5 minute walk (@4mph)
Joshie (scaled):
3 rounds for time of:
15 dumbbell power snatch, right arm (15#)
10 ring rows
15 dumbbell power snatch, left arm (15#)
10 ring rows
Un-timed & only did one round.
Push-up, Sit-up Challenges - Day 2 Week 3
Posted by Kate at Wednesday, November 25, 20095 x 1-band pull-ups
5 x KTA's
10 x 1-band ring dips
HSPU attempts
Push-Up Challenge: Day 2 Week 3
Rest 60 seconds between sets (I'll do sit-ups between sets)
1 - 20
2 - 25
3 - 15
4 - 15
5 - Max (at least 25) - did 25
Sit-Up Challenge: Day 2 Week 3
Rest 60 seconds between sets (I'll do push-ups between sets)
1 - 30
2 - 38
3 - 23
4 - 23
5 - Max (at least 38) - did 38
Didn't do a warm-up and I did this Thursday morning instead of Wednesday afternoon. Got busy with cooking and forgot about it.
This was tough for me today, had to take longer breaks than normal.
Elizabeth (scaled)
Posted by Kate at Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I found this awesome site on push-ups, the Art of Manliness, catchy:). I just love push-ups. It's something everyone can do (easily scaled) and they are fun. Progress is quickly measured as well, which I love.
Burgener w/u
2 sets of 5 x 75# deadlifts
5 x 1-band pull-ups
5 KTAs
Elizabeth (scaled):
55# HP Cleans,21-15-9 15-12-9
Ring dips (2 bands), 15-12-9
Time: 6:04
I don't get where my strength has gone?! It's just disappeared. I guess that's what taking a few months off will do. Back to square one!
Last time I did this, I only did 45#'s, but I did them all unbroken and the rip dips were solid 1-banders (plus I did the full 21-15-9 on the HPC). This time the first 15 HPC were split and all the ring dips were incredibly shaky.
Burgener w/u
2 sets of 5 x 75# deadlifts
5 x 1-band pull-ups
5 KTAs
Elizabeth (scaled):
55# HP Cleans,
Ring dips (2 bands), 15-12-9
Time: 6:04
I don't get where my strength has gone?! It's just disappeared. I guess that's what taking a few months off will do. Back to square one!
Last time I did this, I only did 45#'s, but I did them all unbroken and the rip dips were solid 1-banders (plus I did the full 21-15-9 on the HPC). This time the first 15 HPC were split and all the ring dips were incredibly shaky.
Push-up, Sit-up Challenges - Day 1 Week 3
Posted by Kate at Monday, November 23, 2009
20, 20# KB swings
2 dead-hang pull-up attempts (pathetic)
45lb. x 10 Thrusters
8 limited ROM HSPU (serious case of sneezing once I stood up:)haha... weird)
5, KTA (knees to armpits)
Push-Up Challenge - Day 1, week 3
Rest 60 seconds between sets (instead, I did the sit-up reps outlined below between sets)
1 - 14
2 - 18
3 - 14
4 - 14
5 - Max (goal was 21, but collapsed after 15)
Sit-Up Challenge - Day 1, week 3
(Did push-up challenge between sets)
1 - 21
2 - 27
3 - 21 (paused at rep 13)
4 - 21
5 - Max (30)
20, 20# KB swings
2 dead-hang pull-up attempts (pathetic)
45lb. x 10 Thrusters
8 limited ROM HSPU (serious case of sneezing once I stood up:)haha... weird)
5, KTA (knees to armpits)
Push-Up Challenge - Day 1, week 3
Rest 60 seconds between sets (instead, I did the sit-up reps outlined below between sets)
1 - 14
2 - 18
3 - 14
4 - 14
5 - Max (goal was 21, but collapsed after 15)
Sit-Up Challenge - Day 1, week 3
(Did push-up challenge between sets)
1 - 21
2 - 27
3 - 21 (paused at rep 13)
4 - 21
5 - Max (30)
Starting a new challenge... surprise surprise
Posted by Kate at Thursday, November 19, 2009
I've got to do something to motivate myself to do more than NOTHING when I get home. Was reading The Daily Cadence blog today and saw him reference the 100 Push-up Challenge. I had wanted to do this a while back, but was failing at a burpee challenge at the time, so I didn't want to start something new.
Okay, so tonight I'll do the initial test for both the 100 Push-Up challenge and the 200 Sit-up Challenge. My goal is 30 push-ups, regular way (not with my hands at my armpits like I was trying before), and 60 for the sit-ups. I didn't see anything mentioned about breaks allowed, so I'm just going to go to failure & include breaks if needed.
That is all I'll do tonight except I might walk the dogs if the rain lets up.
Starting back in slow... :) (to say the least!)
100 Push-Up Challenge:
Initial test = 37
200 Sit-Up Challenge
Initial test = 74
According to the website, I'll start w/week 3 for both the push-up & sit-up challenges and follow the third column.
Okay, so tonight I'll do the initial test for both the 100 Push-Up challenge and the 200 Sit-up Challenge. My goal is 30 push-ups, regular way (not with my hands at my armpits like I was trying before), and 60 for the sit-ups. I didn't see anything mentioned about breaks allowed, so I'm just going to go to failure & include breaks if needed.
That is all I'll do tonight except I might walk the dogs if the rain lets up.
Starting back in slow... :) (to say the least!)
100 Push-Up Challenge:
Initial test = 37
200 Sit-Up Challenge
Initial test = 74
According to the website, I'll start w/week 3 for both the push-up & sit-up challenges and follow the third column.
Small Warm-Up
Posted by Kate at Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Walked my two dogs last night, it's crazy how dark it's getting here at like 5pm!
Short warm-up when I got home of a few handstand push-ups, 2 attempted dead-hangs, 10 push-ups.
Short warm-up when I got home of a few handstand push-ups, 2 attempted dead-hangs, 10 push-ups.
Push-ups... that's it
Posted by Kate at Thursday, November 12, 2009
Let's hope I don't end up looking like this before it actually happens:)! I swear, though, I never knew this stuff could be so complicated... between taking the right supplements, charting, constantly thinking about it... I'm exhausted! :)
CF.com 11.6.09
Posted by Kate at Monday, November 09, 2009
Back to old faithful (cf.com) WODs. This one looks like a fun one!
1/2 mile run X 1/4 mile
5 dh pull-up attempts
10 ring dips (1 band) X 5 ring dips -- gotta work on these!
HSPU attempts - 9 extremely limited ROM ones, but I'm thrilled!!
25 unanchored sit-ups
CF.com 11.6.09: (scaled)
Complete as many rounds in 10 minutes as you can of:
45 15 # Hang Power snatch, 12 reps
10 Push-ups (elbows straight back)
Rounds: 77 + 11 snatches
All push-ups after round 4 were regular push-ups. Snatch form really deteriorated in the last few rounds, even though it was only 15#!
1/2 mile run X 1/4 mile
5 dh pull-up attempts
10 ring dips (1 band) X 5 ring dips -- gotta work on these!
HSPU attempts - 9 extremely limited ROM ones, but I'm thrilled!!
25 unanchored sit-ups
CF.com 11.6.09: (scaled)
Complete as many rounds in 10 minutes as you can of:
10 Push-ups (elbows straight back)
Rounds: 77 + 11 snatches
All push-ups after round 4 were regular push-ups. Snatch form really deteriorated in the last few rounds, even though it was only 15#!
Posted by Kate at Thursday, November 05, 2009
4 almost dead-hang pull-ups
10 push-ups (with elbows staying parallel to body (instead of traditional cross form)
10 x 45# front squats (form felt spot on, but I can't be positive)
5 x minimal ROM handstand push-ups (like less than a millimeter up and down)
3 x 95# - 115 - 165(F) - 145 - 155 (F) - 155
Then 25 un-anchored sit-ups.
Rest Day
Posted by Kate at Wednesday, November 04, 2009
I also want to try to get the hubs to take the dogs for a walk around the neighborhood with me. If not, it'll be two dog walks.
Ugh, hate short days in the winter. Got home after it was dark... so no dog walk and no lifting, drank a big ole cup of coffee instead and sat my butt on the couch:).
SealFit 10.9.09
Posted by Kate at Tuesday, November 03, 2009
"If things seem really under control, you're not going fast enough." - Mario Andretti
SealFit.com 10.9.09 (scaled): Ugh Squat Cleans Again!
Warm Up: Sand Bag Drills (get ups, cleans, lunges, presses w/ 70-90# bag)
(*Scaling to 15# TGUs, maybe some handstand practice, pull-up attempts, ring dips)
10 TGU's (5 on each side), 3 almost deadhang pull-ups, 3 pathetic ROM dips w/1 band, few handstand attempts, but had elbow pain, so the push-up part of it didn't happen.
Strength: 3RM Squat Clean & Push Jerk
Load: 45# only and I did hang power clean & jerks instead
Stamina: 5 rounds: 2 x SC&J @ 3RM, 20 KB Swings (55#), Hip Mobility Drill
(*Scaling to 3 rounds, SC&J @ 45#, KB's @ 20#)
Time: 5:12
*Did hang power clean & jerks instead. DB swings were the toughest on this one. The final 20 were difficult.
Work Capacity:
- 3 muscle ups (sub 3 rope ascents or 9 pullups)
- 20 SDHP (55 - 70# KB)
- 10 1-Arm DB snatch (35#, ea side)
(*Scaling to 3 rounds of 3 (1-band) pull-ups, 3 (1-band) ring dips, 20 45# SDHP, 10 15# snatch (1-arm at a time))
Time: 6:57
*Scaled back even further to 10 SDHP's. Really disappointed with my ring dips
After this... maybe some tire flips for fun.
Two dog walks instead (it was getting dark and I wanted to make sure to get these in.
SealFit.com 10.9.09 (scaled): Ugh Squat Cleans Again!
Warm Up: Sand Bag Drills (get ups, cleans, lunges, presses w/ 70-90# bag)
(*Scaling to 15# TGUs, maybe some handstand practice, pull-up attempts, ring dips)
10 TGU's (5 on each side), 3 almost deadhang pull-ups, 3 pathetic ROM dips w/1 band, few handstand attempts, but had elbow pain, so the push-up part of it didn't happen.
Strength: 3RM Squat Clean & Push Jerk
Load: 45# only and I did hang power clean & jerks instead
Stamina: 5 rounds: 2 x SC&J @ 3RM, 20 KB Swings (55#), Hip Mobility Drill
(*Scaling to 3 rounds, SC&J @ 45#, KB's @ 20#)
Time: 5:12
*Did hang power clean & jerks instead. DB swings were the toughest on this one. The final 20 were difficult.
Work Capacity:
- 3 muscle ups (sub 3 rope ascents or 9 pullups)
- 20 SDHP (55 - 70# KB)
- 10 1-Arm DB snatch (35#, ea side)
(*Scaling to 3 rounds of 3 (1-band) pull-ups, 3 (1-band) ring dips, 20 45# SDHP, 10 15# snatch (1-arm at a time))
Time: 6:57
*Scaled back even further to 10 SDHP's. Really disappointed with my ring dips
After this... maybe some tire flips for fun.
Two dog walks instead (it was getting dark and I wanted to make sure to get these in.
SealFit 10.7.09
Posted by Kate at Monday, November 02, 2009
Okay, I'm back at this with a new resolve! I might not continue with the SealFit for much longer, though. I want to get back to a more traditional CrossFit plus a focus on strength. But until I figure out exactly what plan I'll follow, it'll be SealFit.
Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us. - Earl Nightingale
Sealfit.com 10.7.09 (scaled): Renegade
Warm Up: Run 1 mile, then Tabata: pushups, pull-ups, situps (Tabada = 8 rounds, 20 sec max efforts, 10 sec rest for specified exercise then move to next ex)
(**Scaling back to 1/2mile, 1/2 tabata (4 rounds for each exercise))
Ran 1/2 mile, 3 almost DH pull-ups, 25 unanchored sit-ups, practiced handstands and did like a 3-inch down & up handstand push-ups 8-10 times (wasn't counting)
Strength: 1RM Push Press
Load: 3RM - 65#
Stamina: 5 rounds: 3 PP @ 80% 1RM, 10 Renegade Row push-ups, 15 Star Jumps
Renegade Row: With 2 35# DB, do pushup, row right, push up, row left.
Star Jumps - Slowly lower into a full squatting position, explode upward and forward as high, hard and fast as you can. As your body reaches it's apex...extend your arms and legs into a "star" shape.
(**Scaling back to 3 rounds, 10# KB Renegade rows)
Time: 6:14
Work Capacity: 5 rounds for time:
Run 400
10 Squat Clean (95#)
10 Thruster (95#)
(**Scaling back to 3 rounds, 200m run, squat clean & thrusters @ 45#)
Did not attempt
Durability: 4 x 90 sec plank then Active Stretch
(*scaling to 4 x 30 (or as long as possible) sec plank)
Did not attempt
Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us. - Earl Nightingale
Sealfit.com 10.7.09 (scaled): Renegade
Warm Up: Run 1 mile, then Tabata: pushups, pull-ups, situps (Tabada = 8 rounds, 20 sec max efforts, 10 sec rest for specified exercise then move to next ex)
(**Scaling back to 1/2mile, 1/2 tabata (4 rounds for each exercise))
Ran 1/2 mile, 3 almost DH pull-ups, 25 unanchored sit-ups, practiced handstands and did like a 3-inch down & up handstand push-ups 8-10 times (wasn't counting)
Strength: 1RM Push Press
Load: 3RM - 65#
Stamina: 5 rounds: 3 PP @ 80% 1RM, 10 Renegade Row push-ups, 15 Star Jumps
Renegade Row: With 2 35# DB, do pushup, row right, push up, row left.
Star Jumps - Slowly lower into a full squatting position, explode upward and forward as high, hard and fast as you can. As your body reaches it's apex...extend your arms and legs into a "star" shape.
(**Scaling back to 3 rounds, 10# KB Renegade rows)
Time: 6:14
Work Capacity: 5 rounds for time:
Run 400
10 Squat Clean (95#)
10 Thruster (95#)
(**Scaling back to 3 rounds, 200m run, squat clean & thrusters @ 45#)
Did not attempt
Durability: 4 x 90 sec plank then Active Stretch
(*scaling to 4 x 30 (or as long as possible) sec plank)
Did not attempt
Push Press,
renegade rows,
star jumps,
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