
Rest day today. CRAZY time at work (it's the end of our fiscal year today) and dinner tonight with mia mama. Should be a good day! :)

SealFit 9.22.09

SealFit 9.22.09: Bellevue (scaled):

Warm Up: Max push-ups 2 min. Max situps 2 min. Max pull-ups 2 min
(**scaling to 1 min. for all exercises)
Push-up reps: 39
Sit-up reps: 54
Pull-up (1 band) reps: 9

Work Capacity / Endurance:

1-mile run with 45# ruck. (**scaling to 1/2 mile, no added weight)
2-rope ascents then 20-squat clean and push-press (95#) (**scaling to 20 rope pulls, 10 squat cleans and push presses w/ 45#)
400 meter run
2-rope ascents then 20-power snatches (95#) (**scaling to 20 rope pulls, 10 - 45# power snatches)
400 meter run
2-rope ascents then 20-thrusters (95#) (**scaling to 20 rope pulls, 10 thrusters (45#))
1-mile run with 45# ruck (**scaling to 1/2 mile, no added weight)

Time: 22:39

Durability: Yoga or Active Stretch, Hydrate, Refuel

Just happy I finished... even scaled, I wasn't sure I could make it:). Really disappointed with my band-assisted pull-up reps in the warm-up. I guess not doing them in a warm-up everyday has taken it's toll.

SealFit 9.21.09

SealFit 9.21.09

Warm Up: 3 Rounds AQAP: 50 air squats, 400 M run
**Scaling back to 25 air squats

Time: 9:50

Strength: Find 1RM Clean & Jerk

Load: 65#

Stamina: 5 rounds: 3 x C&J @ 80% 1RM, 15 KB SDHP (55#), Sampson Stretch
**Subbing 20#DB for SDHP

Time: 8:05:59

Work Capacity: Max effort in 5 x 1 minute rounds with 1 minute rest between rounds (use 20# vest if you have it):
- Dead Lift (135#), Reps:
- KTE, Reps:
- Box Jump, Reps:
- Pull-up, Reps:
- Mountain Climbers, Reps:
**Subbing 65# for deadlifts, KTC's for KTE's and 1-band assist for pull-ups. I'm doing this as max reps for each exercise as 1 round (not FGB style).
(Note to self: Mountain Climbers are like running horizontally in push-up formation)

Durability: 1 mile warm down run, 100 leg levers, 100 situps, 100 flutter kicks
**Scaling back to 1/2 mile, 10 l-sits (on paralletes), 50 situps, 50 flutter kicks

Stopped after the Stamina portion... just wiped out today.

SealFit 9.19.09

SealFit 9.19.09 (scaled)

Warm Up / Endurance: swim 1 mile or run 3 miles
**Run 1 mile
Time: 10:14 (it was a run/walk)

Work Capacity:
Sprint 100, then 100 KB Swings (55#)
**Not sure what unit of measure this is, so I'll do 150ft. (or 2 laps shuttle runs), then 25 DB swings (20#)

Sprint 200, then 50 burpees
**300ft. (4 shuttle runs), 15 burpees

Sprint 400, then 50 1-arm DB snatches (35# each side)
**600ft. (8 shuttle runs), then 20 1-arm KB snatches (15#)

Sprint 800, then 100 pushups
**1200ft. (16 shuttle runs), then 25 pushups

1 minute rest between sets

Time: 12:18 - no resting between sets

Durability: Hydrate and Refuel

Phew, this was a doosie! I was practically crawling through the last two sets of sprints. It would have been more appropriate to call them "jogs". :) Feeling really good about this, though. Finished strong with some amazing push-ups. 15/10, which is more than I usually can do in my warm-ups.

Intensity - where did you go?

I've been slacking lately, both in workout frequency and intensity. I know this. While feeling poorly can be excuse for some of this, it doesn't account for my lack of intensity for at least a month's time now.

I found a great article from Jon Gilson at Again Faster that really hit home. Hitting it hard tomorrow, no more pacing myself:).

The problem comes when this approach gets comfortable. Carefully metered 15-second breaks become a habit. Consciously or unconsciously, intensity is kept below the “I just might die today” threshold, and the string of personal records comes to a crashing halt.

This is an incredibly clear signal to crank it up. Forego the rest, and hit the WOD as hard as you can. The intensity that used to leave you in a near-coma will now merely spin you into mild hallucinations, and you’ll reclaim that old feeling of nausea with pride. You’ll also kick the ever-living shit out of your erstwhile athletic plateau.

SealFit 9.18.09

SealFit 9.18.09 (scaled):

Warm Up: Run 1/2 mile, then BB complex (Barbell Complex = 6 reps each of: Deadlift, Upright Row, Hang Squat Clean, Front Squat, Push-Press, Back not set bar down) 75,85,95,105#
**Subbing 45,55,65#

Stopped at 55#, and didn't do upright rows (which I assume are like curls??) after the 45# set.

Strength: Find 1RM Bench Press

1RM: 65# (could have gone heavier, but no spotter)

Stamina: 5 rounds: 3 x BP @ 80% 1RM, 5 clapping push-ups, rope climb
**Subbing regular push-ups & 10 towel pulls for rope climb

Time: 5:16

Work Capacity: 10 rounds for time: C & J (55#), Burpee

Time: 3:49

Durability: Yoga or Active Stretch

SealFit 9.16.09

SealFit 9.16.09 - Frontal Assault

Warm Up: 20 - 15 - 10 Double Under, HSPU
**Scaled HSPU - toes on bench

Strength: Find 3RM Front Squat - 55#

Stamina: 5 rounds: 2 x FS @ 3RM, 10 ankles-to-bar, Jingle Jangle (6 lengths 25 yd shuttle run)
**I'll scale to 3 rounds & knees to chest (can't do ankles to bar)

Time: 6:23

Work Capacity: 10 rounds for time: 20 KB Swings (55#), 10 pull-ups, run 400M
**scaling to 5 rounds, 1-band pull-ups and 20# KB swings

Time: 10:10 @ 2 rounds, second round of pull-ups were only 5 reps. I was EXHAUSTED! :)

Durability: 3 rounds: 50 situps, 50 flutter kicks, 10 back extension

Time: 10:59

Oh... my... god, I don't know how anyone can do this as rx'd! Even scaled, I had to scale! DU's were a pill, most were only in two's or one's, just couldn't get my rhythm right.

My dogs had a BLAST running the jingle jangles with me:). Although them running around me did slow me down a bit. I should have done 65# on the front squats but I wasn't sure how taxing this workout would be.

I am very tired and should sleep quite well tonight!

SealFit 9.15.09

SealFit (9.15.09):

Warm Up: 50 push-ups, 50 weighted sit-ups (15# KB held to chest), 50 O/H squats w/ 45# bar (XX stopped at 25 OHS - had to do these inside due to the rain and was getting wobbly and almost lost a few of the last reps)

Endurance: 2 mile timed run or row XX only did 1 mile @ 10minutes - cramped up around 3/4mile

Durability: 3 rounds: 20 GHD situps, Hip Mobility, 20 GHD back extensions
Time: 4:19

I feel like a major puss, this completely gassed me. I was so disappointed at my running abilities. I guess the week + of rest and overindulgence in alcohol over the weekend is showing.

The durability set almost put me over the edge. It's amazing how sore my abs were with the extra 15#, doesn't seem like much at all but it takes it's toll:).


Today is heavy day, so I'm going to work on overhead squats (outside). It was a disaster the last time I did these, but that is not going to happen again today.

I'm going to start doing the SealFit WODS, I think. Hopefully starting tomorrow if all goes well with cleaning and getting the house ready for Hokie guests this weekend:).

I've been feeling a little scattered lately with my workouts, so I'm looking forward to focusing in on one thing for awhile.

Burgener warm-up
10 Ring Rows
10 Pull-Ups (1 band)
10 sit-ups, legs straight
10 HSPU, toes on bench
10, 20# KB Swings
10 (5 on each side), 20# DB plank pulls



Not doing this tonight, got home too late and just not feeling it.

Elizabeth (Puppies)

2 x 400m sprints
10 Ring Rows
10 pull-ups (1 band)
10 KTC's
20 ball sit-ups
10 hspu, toes on bench

Elizabeth (scaled to Puppies):
Hang power cleans, 45#
Ring dips (1 band) --> (15-12-9)

Time: 6:57

Well, going into this, I planned to do 21-15-9 of the ring dips as well as the cleans, but it just wasn't happening. I could have done it with 2 bands, but I didn't want to go back to 2 band ring dips, so I scaled the total reps instead.

All cleans were unbroken. Next time I'll add more weight.

Feelin' sweaty, and feelin' good:)!

Tire Flips, Push-Ups & Tuck Jumps

I'm FINALLY working out again. It feels like a lifetime ago that I last worked out. I put an ad on Craigslist a week or so ago asking for a tire to use to workout and was able to get a backhoe tire for free. I've been dying to use it since we picked it up two days ago, so I built a short workout around it. Should be fun! :)

250 single-unders
10 Ring Rows
5 pull-ups (1 band)
10 Ring dips (1 band)
10 KTC's
20 ball sit-ups

Four rounds for time of:
5 tire flips (82lbs.)
10 Push-ups w/feet on tire
15 Tuck Jumps

Time: 5:57

Yard Work

Yesterday, we did yard work from sun up to sun down. I am tired today, but not that sore. Hopefully we will be walking for hours at a HUGE flea market today.

Rest Day

I'm resigning myself to the fact that I probably won't be doing typical CrossFit workouts this week of vacation. It happens every time I'm on vacation... I have these hopes that I will workout, but it never happens. If my routine is disrupted, I don't work out.

Instead of working out, I painted my home office and moved furniture around. Tomorrow will be filled with yard work.