Today is heavy day, so I'm going to work on overhead squats (outside). It was a disaster the last time I did these, but that is not going to happen again today.

I'm going to start doing the SealFit WODS, I think. Hopefully starting tomorrow if all goes well with cleaning and getting the house ready for Hokie guests this weekend:).

I've been feeling a little scattered lately with my workouts, so I'm looking forward to focusing in on one thing for awhile.

Burgener warm-up
10 Ring Rows
10 Pull-Ups (1 band)
10 sit-ups, legs straight
10 HSPU, toes on bench
10, 20# KB Swings
10 (5 on each side), 20# DB plank pulls



Not doing this tonight, got home too late and just not feeling it.


Anonymous said...
September 16, 2009 at 7:28 AM

Live to fight another day!!!