Weekly Monster Mash – 1/18/25
4 days ago
Let’s face it – women are more vulnerable to attack because, most likely, their aggressor will be a man. Women are physically weaker, and criminals know that we are less willing to be mentally prepared for aggression because, unlike men, most of us just aren’t wired to be combative. A woman’s attacker will be bigger, stronger, and faster than her, and by nature they will be more aggressive, and that’s before considering any mental or drug problem that may be associated with a criminal attack. So why do women not want to take that into consideration and equalize the situation by learning to use and love guns? Dr. Thomas Szasz, libertarian scholar and Professor of Psychiatry at Syracuse University, once stated, "self-defense is not merely our legal right but our moral duty; because women are more vulnerable than men, their need and obligation to defend themselves is even greater than that of men." Dr. Szasz is a wise man.
"CrossFit is humbling. It is humbling regardless of your ability or level of fitness. There will ALWAYS be a new goal to chase - a faster time, a heavier weight, etc…. CrossFit provides a system that allows you to improve and progress regardless of how studly you become. The system keeps you from dreaded plateaus, but it also enables those prone to perfectionism an opportunity to feel as if they aren’t good enough - ever. I don’t believe we will ever completely alter the internal drive to achieve in these individuals. Instead, I suggest that all athletes take a longer view of their fitness goals. Permit yourself a bad day, or even a bad week, with the knowledge and confidence that if you persist you will ultimately achieve all of your goals. Perfection (as near as one can get) will be best achieved through persistence and patience."
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