CF Invictus WOD

I got some great sleep last night. I think this was mostly b/c I wore myself out with those burpees last night. It's not that burpees are even that hard b/c I'm not racing to complete them... it's just daunting to think about doing that many. I need to toughen up again. I've gotten soft on vacation:).

Today, I'm going to borrow CrossFit Invictus' WOD since I wanted to practice front squats anyways. I'll be subbing single-unders for double-unders, though.

5 min. jog
5 min. punching bag

47 Burpees

10 band-assisted pull-ups (1 band)

44 Burpees

10 KTC's

CrossFit Invictus WOD:
Front Squat
and then,
For time:
10 Thrusters (Heavy - challenge yourself) -- 55#s??
50 Double-Unders/100 Single-Unders
8 Thrusters
40 Double-Unders/80 Single-Unders
6 Thrusters
30 Double-Unders/60 Single-Unders
4 Thrusters
20 Double-Unders/40 Single-Unders
2 Thrusters
10 Double-Unders/20 Single-Unders


Did not do any of this tonight except for 60 burpees. Had to help Adam mow/weed the yard since someone might be coming to look at the house on Thursday. I'll do this workout tomorrow b/c it looks fun & not too strenuous. I've been feeling REALLY tired/lethargic since right before I went on vacation. Maybe it's just allergies or laziness:).