Rest &, 5/10/09

I took a much needed rest day yesterday and spent a few hours with my family for Mother's Day. Then came home and laid out in the sun (now look like a tomato b/c I accidentally fell asleep!). I ended up not doing my burpees, so it'll be lots of burpee fun today!

5 min. jog
5 min. punching bag

40 Burpees
10 band-assisted pull-ups (try for 1 band only)
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's

21 Burpees WOD 5.10.09
15-13-11-9-7-5-3 for time of:
wall ball shots
box jumps
20# DB swings

Post work-out: 20 Burpees

Time: 11:12:49

It's amazing how non-threatening these workouts look at first glance. I thought wall balls, box jumps & KB/DB swings... no biggie! Pfft... once I did the first set of 15, my legs did not want to do anymore:). This was a fun workout!

Burpees were tough, couldn't finish all 81 in the warm-up, even with partitioning them in half. So I did almost all of them and then finished them up after the workout.