CF Invictus 6.11.09

Yesterday's WOD killed me:). I haven't sweated that much in awhile. I love the lifting metcon workouts. Taking rest days over the weekend, so I'm going to do a CF Invictus WOD today.

5 min. jog
5 min. punching bag (shoulders too sore for this)
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups

CF Invictus 6.11.09: Scaled
Rounds of 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6 and 3 reps for time of: (I'll be doing 15-12-9-6-3)
Knees to Elbows (sub knees to chest)
Pull-Ups (band-assisted/2 bands)
Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)/ 15#

Time: 10:46:37

This workout was really FUN!! :) I love KTE's/KTC's & KB swings. I probably should have gone heavier on the KB's, though. Pull-ups were the big weakness.