I don't know what I'm doing...

Well, I got up early this morning (5:30AM!!) to run the 5K, but it's raining outside, and for some reason I feel nauseated if I run on a treadmill in the morning. Weird.

I guess I'll do the WOD for today and just do the 5K either tomorrow afternoon or tomorrow morning if it's not raining. I wish the rain would just END!

For today's WOD, I'll just practice form since I've never done a snatch before.

5 min. jog
10 ring rows
10 push-ups
10 HSPU progressions (knees on bench)
15, 15# KB swings
10, 15# TGU

Hang power snatch
1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Decided to do NOTHING today... feel a little bad about it, but not too much. I'll make up this WOD tomorrow after the 5K.