I'm anxious to get this workout done this afternoon and looking forward to getting my eating back on track. Felt crappy all weekend.
5 min. jog
10 ring rows
10, 15# KB swings
10 HSPU progressions (knees on bench)
20 ball sit-ups
CF.com WOD (6.18.09) -
25 Wall-ball shots (subbing 45# Thrusters)
25 Pull-ups (subbing Ring Rows)
20 Wall-ball shots (45# Thrusters)
20 Pull-ups (Ring Rows)
15 Wall-ball shots (45# Thrusters)
15 Pull-ups (Ring Rows)
Time: 11:31:40
--4:23 after 25 reps
--8:25 after 20 reps
--11:31 after 15 reps
Had to stop after 5 reps on the 20 rep round due to my mom & dad stopping by:). Visited for less than 5 minutes and then went back at it.
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