CrossFit 801 WOD - 8.18.09

10 Ring Rows
10 Pull-ups (1 band)
10 Ring dips (1 band)
10 KTC's
20 Ball sit-ups
10, 15# KB Swings

CrossFit 801 WOD from 8.18.09 (scaled) -
Three rounds for time of:
12 deadlifts 75# (scaled even further to 65#)
Run 400m (0.25mile)
21 box jumps

Time: 13:48
--Round 1: 4:06 (@7.5mph on treadmill)
--Round 2: 4:07 (@7.5mph on treadmill)
--Round 3: 4:35 (@7mph on treadmill & a little walking @ 4mph) - got interrupted by the hubs on this one, added about 5 seconds.

Phew, this one was a killer for me. I don't know what was up today but I just felt dizzy on the first round of box jumps. I had a ton of diet coke today (like 28-30oz.), so that might have had something to do with it. And now my ears are closed up... weird.

Just glad I'm finished.:)

Probably taking a rest day tomorrow since it's our company's end of month. Crazy busy at work lately, but in a good way! :)