KB's, KTE's & Ring Dips

I don't think this will be much of a work-out, but I wanted to do something fun and not too taxing. My body is really sore still. I'm also UP another pound today. WTF? I'm going to stop weighing, this is just killing my morale. I've been eating really clean, so I'm just going to focus on that and keeping my carbs low. I'll leave the scale alone for awhile.

10 Ring Rows
10 Pull-ups (1 band)
10 Ring Dips (1 band)
10 HSPU progressions (toes on bench)
20 ball sit-ups

Five rounds for time of:
10, 20# KB Swings
10 KTC's
5 Ring Dips (1 band)

Time: 8:56


Rich Vos said...
August 27, 2009 at 11:15 AM

Are you on FaceBook?

Anonymous said...
August 28, 2009 at 1:22 PM

I would not use a scale to base fitness, they are worthless and cannot compare lean vs fat tissue.