Thrusters, HPC, & SDHP

Seriously TIRED and sore today. My hips are super tight. I was a dope yesterday and didn't stretch after working out.

250 Single-unders
10 Ring Rows
10 Pull-ups (1 band)
10 Ring dips (1 band)
10 KTC's
10, HSPU progressions (toes on bench)

WOD (Puppies/Buttercup combo):
Complete as many rounds as possible 15 minutes of:
45# Thruster, 5 reps
45# Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
45# Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps

Rounds: 4 rounds @ 7:25

Just didn't have it today. Stressed out from work and just in a shit rotten mood:).