Day one of a much anticipated vacation! :) Nothing planned in stone yet, but I want to go canoeing, hiking, & camping. Plus getting the house spic & span for Hokie Football season starting up in a couple of weeks.
4 x 200m sprints
10 5 Ring Rows
10 Pull-ups (1 band)
10 Ring Dips (1 band)
10 KTC's
20 Ball sit-ups
10 HSPU progressions, toes on bench
3 L-sits (about 5 seconds each)
"Nate" (scaled to Puppies):
Complete AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
2 Squat Muscle-ups
4 Push ups
8 KB swings (9KG or 20#)Rounds:

Didn't do any of the workout today, just did a little warm-up after making some parallettes! They were pretty easy to make and less than $20 for all of the supplies.
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