Today's WOD is Fran... the dreaded Fran:). I've gotta go dig through my notebook to try to find my time for the last Fran I did. It's been awhile. I'll be doing a scaled version. I'm feeling a little under the weather today... I hope I'm not coming down with anything. Time to bump up the vitamin C:).
10 min. jog
5 pushups
20 ball situps
10 hspu progressions
10 KTE's (chest level)
10, 15lb. KB swings
5 ring dips (attempt) - couldn't do these... have to keep practicing
10, 10lb. thruster practice
"Fran" (scaled):
Thrusters, 45#
Pullups (jumping/reverse)
Time: 10:01:12
Wow, I always forget how hard this WOD is. I planned to do the scaled version on Brandx, but I couldn't do 21-15-9 in pullups. I started off the pullups using my new-fangled rings, but after 5, I found myself using my legs to do most of the work. I switched to jumping/negative pullups after the first 5.
Thrusters were great, I did 10/5 on the first round, 6/4/2 on the second, and 5/4 on the last. The pullups were broken up much more.
Update on why I feel like crap... ALLERGIES! For some reason, I always forget I have allergies and assume I'm getting sick. Hopefully after it rains tomorrow, I'll feel better.
Weekly Monster Mash – 1/18/25
4 days ago
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