This WOD actually calls for a 250m row as the first activity, but since I lack a rowing machine, I am substituting burpees (a major suck for me).
5 min. jog
15 girl pushups
5 jumping/reverse pullups
20 ball situps
10 hspu progressions on exercise ball
10 KTE's (actually only to chest level though)
10, 10lb bar sumo deadlift high pulls practice
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 burpees
15, Sumo-deadlift high pulls - 15lbs.
10 pull-ups (jumping/reverse)
Total Rounds: 3 minus 5 jumping pull-ups on the third round.
I was DEAD after this WOD. I hate burpees... they tire me out so quickly. Definitely felt the SDHP the next day.
Weekly Monster Mash – 12/21/24
1 day ago
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