"Angie" - Day 88

Feeling worse today... throat is definitely NOT just allergies. Scaling way down due to this.

Last time I did this was 10.30.08 and I scaled to almost 1/2 Angie (i.e. 50 jumping pull-ups, 37 girl push-ups, 50 sit-ups, and 60 squats) and my time was 10:34.

3.5 min. jump rope
5 min. punching bag (maybe) XX didn't do this
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
10, 15# KB swings

19 Burpees

"Angie" (scaled to Buttercups):
20 jumping pull-ups
20 push-ups
20 sit-ups
20 squats

Time: 4:31:46

Pull-ups were broken up as 10 jumping, 10 band-assisted. Adam did a few burpees with me and it helped get my motivation to about half where it needed to be. Just couldn't feel up to this today. I know it's just overall body tiredness and being sick, but I really wanted to finish strong. Squats were the hardest in this due to soreness in the legs.

My right calf is so locked up I can barely walk. Tried stretching it out before and after the workout, but it wasn't happening. Maybe time will loosen it up.