250 single-unders (jump rope)
20 Ring Rows
10 HSPU progressions (toes on bench)
10 Ring Dips (2 bands)
10 KTC's
Lynne (Puppies):
Five rounds of -
Max push ups
Max pull ups or beginner pull ups (**Ring Rows**)
Total P/U: 59
Total R/R: 46
--Round 1: 18/9
--Round 2: 16/8.5
--Round 3: 14/10
--Round 4: 16/8
--Round 5: 11/11
This was a weird WOD... I'm not used to max effort workouts, I guess. My arms are so dead:).
We finally got our order of beef yesterday (20lbs.). It doesn't look like much, but I'm hoping this will last us at least a few months. Here are some pics of our meat!

(Needless to say, the frozen pizza is not for me:)!)
I love freezers full of meat!! Good job on the WOD!
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