I'm going to shake off my sense of failure from yesterday's workout and hit this hard today:)!!
2 x 400m sprints (1@ 8.5mph, 1@ 7.5mph)
20 Ring Rows
10 Ring Dips
10 KTC's
10, 20# KB Swings
10 strict push-ups (work on perfect form) - (8/2)
CFJax.com 7.30.09 -
Ring Rows:
2 x 5 (+ 3 deadhang pull-ups w/slight initial raise)
Three rounds for time of:
20 Box Jumps, 16"
15 Ring Dips
10 HSPU progressions (toes on bench)
Time: 9:10
--Round 1: 3:03
--Round 2: 3:06
--Round 3: 3:01
Surprisingly, the box jumps were the easiest of the three for me on this! The HSPU's were tough, especially with sweaty hands:). I'm TIRED... and happy for a couple of rest days! :)
Weekly Monster Mash – 12/21/24
1 day ago