Today's WOD is "Barbara". I'm scaling this again per the BrandX site to "Barbie". I'm hoping these pull-ups don't re-aggravate my elbow. I'm going to give it all I've got regardless. My previous time on this was approx. 10:35 or sub-2:00 per round. I hope I can beat that this time.
5 min. jump rope (work on double unders... haven't had success here since Day 30)
10 KTE's
10, 15# KB swings
10 bench dips
10 box jumps (subbing 2/3 stairs) X didn't do these, no energy
Five rounds, each for time of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Sit-ups
20 Squats
Rest precisely three minutes between each round.
Time: 9:73:02
--Round 1: 2:07:62
--Round 2: 1:58:23
--Round 3: 1:53:45
--Round 4: 1:48:73
--Round 5: 1:55:99
Push-ups were tough, but I didn't go to knee push-ups. The regular push-ups just got pretty ugly by the end. Elbow is throbbing, so I'm going to ice it up tonight. Rest day tomorrow is a good thing.
Weekly Monster Mash – 1/18/25
4 days ago
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