Pull-ups - Day 57

Pull-ups and more pull-ups. I'm having to scale this one b/c I just can't do a full dead-hang yet, much less a weighted dead-hang:).

10 min. jog
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTE's
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
10 burpees

Five rounds for time of -
5 band-assisted pull-ups
10 practice kips

Time: 6:46

Well, I felt very awkward doing the "practice kips". I ended up doing 1 round with the kips, then switched to doing 3 rounds of 5 jumping pull-ups. Finished off with a last full round of both the jumping pull-ups and the 10 practice kips.

Felt pretty beat through the warm-up.