Sit-ups & BE's - Day 69

I'm scaling this to the "Pack" level per the Brandx site. Thank God there is some relief on the legs with this one:). Here's the last time I did this WOD (different scaling, though).

5 min. slow jog
5 min. jump rope
10 jumping pull-ups
10 push-ups
10 KTC's
5 headstand practices (HORRIBLE at this!)
10 burpees

SU's & BE's (pack):
Four rounds for time of:
20 sit-ups
15 back extensions

Time: 6:19
--Round 1: 1:27
--Round 2: 1:37
--Round 3: 1:39
--Round 4: 1:36

Serious burn on this one, but it was over fast! I love WOD's like this ;).

It's like Bizarro CrossFit...

"I've talked to so many people who have come back and feel like they are going to die," Mulholland said. "And, yet, every one of them feels like they are going to die with a smile on their face.

I was watching this on TV with Adam yesterday and we were both dumbstruck. It was pretty hilarious watching the guys and gals try to run the second leg with a gut full of Krispy Kreme donuts. One guy was shown asking his running partner "How much longer" and she replied "I think about a mile"... his response was something between a whimper and a grunt. Poor guy. How do you eat a dozen donuts in one sitting? That alone seems daunting enough.

The last shot of the clip was of numerous contestants hugging a trash can. Somewhat reminiscent of a CrossFit video.

All this silliness was for a good cause, though, the contestants raised $35K for a local children's hospital.

"Nicole" - Day 68

I'm not going to scale "Nicole" this time, just to see how I do. I'll still be doing jumping/band-assisted pull-ups, though.

5 min. jump rope
5 min. punching bag
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
10 burpees

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters (~0.25mile)
Max rep Pull-ups (jumping/band-assisted)

Rounds: 5
Pull-ups (all jumping): 16/14/12/8/3

Ran out of time on the last set of pull-ups. Went over by 4 seconds, so probably only 2 of those should count.

Running was at 6.5/7/6.5/6.5/6.5 on a treadmill.

Fight Gone Bad - Day 67

Ugh... really not feeling up to THIS today. Why is that there is always a killer WOD after I over-indulge in alcohol the night before? :) Guess maybe I need to stop doing that!

5 min. jog
5 min. jump rope
10 push-ups
10 jumping pull-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
(not even going to attempt burpees today!)

"Fight Gone Bad" (buttercup/puppies scaled):
Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, *4-5# ball, 8 ft target. (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull 45# (Reps)
Box Jump 10” box (Reps)
Push-press 45# (Reps)
KB Swings 15# (Reps)

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. One point is given for each rep.

Total (Reps): 239
--Round 1: 25/15/13/9/18
--Round 2: 27/12/12/9/18
--Round 3: 26/11/11/10/23

It took me until about 4:30pm to work up the gumption/courage to do this WOD. It's only the second time it's come up since I've been following the CrossFit wods and it always scares me:). Last time I did 10# KB swings and my total was 237. I could have pushed harder this time, though. Not going to do cheat/overindulgent days before a WOD anymore. I'm going to try to schedule them the day before a rest day.

*Really need to purchase/make a heavier ball for wall-ball.

Rest Day - Day 66

Rest day...

Gotta clean the house to get it ready for people to look at it on Sunday. Talk about a fun Saturday! :) But at least it's rainy outside, so I won't feel like I'm missing out too much.

So nice to have Adam back... I could actually get some SLEEP for a change! It's hard to adjust to sleeping alone.

Water Intake

I drink a ridiculous amount of water every day. Ever since i discovered Crystal Light, I am an addict. I swear they put crack in those little packets.

I sometimes wonder whether I could be drinking TOO much water every day, so I decided to do some research (aka a google search). Recommended water intake is 8-12 (8oz.) glasses of water a day (which everyone knows b/c it has been drilled into our brains by the USDA). I average ~14 each day, so slightly above that. The past few days when I work out in the afternoons I feel like I'm still carrying about 8 glasses in my stomach (especially when jumping rope).

I can't see myself being able to cut back though. It's such a habit now.

Completely pointless post, just bored waiting on work stuff to finish. :)

Oh, and the hubs comes home tonight!! I'm so excited! :)

Pull-Ups & Dips - Day 65

Today is my company's end of the month/quarter, so it's going to be a long night. I'm going to try to squeeze this in sometime between doing that:). Hence the shortened warm-up.

5 min. jog
5 min. jump rope
10 push-ups
20 sit-ups
10 KTC's

Ten rounds for time of:
5 pull-ups (jumping/band-assisted)
5 dips (bench dips)

Time: 9:06

Did jumping pull-ups for the first 7 rounds, then had to switch to band-assisted for the last 3. I should have done 10 of each per round... I wasn't nearly tired enough.

Side note: Work went really well and I won't have to work late tonight!:)

Run 800m - Day 64

Running... bah! That's alright though, the WOD says to "rest as needed between efforts", so that should be a comfort:)haha.

5 min. jump rope
5 min. punching bag
10 jumping pull-ups
10 band-assisted pull-ups
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's (I am renaming these knees to chest, since that's what I'm actually doing)
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
10 burpees

WOD (as Rx'd hopefully!):
Four rounds, each for time of:
Run 800m (~0.5mile)
Rest as needed between efforts

--Round 1: 4:17 (rest - 2.5min.)
--Round 2: 4:34 (rest - about 4min.)
--Round 3: 4:17 (rest - 4.5 min.)
--Round 4: 4:41 (ran out of steam on this one)

Man, I hate running:). Halfway through the second round, I was like screw this! But the shame of only finishing 1.5 rounds got me through to the finish:).

Front Squats - Day 63

PR'd with 65#'s last time, DEFINITELY have to load up more than that this time.

5 min. jog
5 min. jump rope
3.5 min. punching bag
10 jumping pull-ups - felt really strong with these!
10 band-assisted pull-ups
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTE's
10 HSPU progression (shins on bench)
10 burpees
5, 10# front squats (practice)

Front squat
3-3-3-3-3 reps

Load: 45-65-75(f)-65-75(PR)

Well, I thought I was stronger than I am apparently! I had trouble with the 75#s at first mainly b/c I couldn't clean it. I have trouble getting under the bar.

Rest Day - Day 62

Rest Day...

I definitely need this. My body felt pretty beat up yesterday during the WOD. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel on this 90 day challenge now and I'm getting excited! :)

I'm going to work on perfecting the basics once this is complete as well as continuing to push myself with the WODs and zoning. I could definitely use a bit more rest every once in awhile though.

Had trouble sleeping the past two nights due to neck pain. Not sure if this is from the latest set of WODs or just pillow issues:).


I feel somewhat lost on rest days... like I don't know what to do with myself without having to plan to get the WOD in:). I might need to get a life. Does anyone else feel this way on rest days? Maybe I need a hobby to fill my rest days.

"Karen" - Day 61

Today's WOD is wall ball shots. I only have a 4-6# ball, so I'll have to use that instead of the scaled 10# ball. This will be a combo of buttercups & puppies scaling.

5 min. jog
5 min. jump rope
10 push-ups
10 jumping pull-ups
10 band-assisted pull-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTE's
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
10 burpees

"Karen": puppies/buttercups
100 wall ball shots, 4-6# ball, 8' target

Time: 5:18:27

Planned to do these in sets of 20, but after the first set, I had to go down to 10s. I read the CrossFit Journal article today about the importance of perfecting the squat. I think I really need to start working on this b/c I know my technique leaves something to be desired.

Lynne - Day 60

Today I'm going to scale this to a pack/puppies combo. I was going to just do the "puppies" scaling, which eliminates the bench press, but Adam called me a puss, so I'm going to try it out with him spotting me. At least he can help me with form on this since he is familiar with this type of lifting. I'll probably just stick with the 45lb. bar, possibly try for 55lbs. on the last set or something. I don't want to push it since I've never really done bench presses before.

5 min. jog
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTE's
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
10 burpees

"Lynne" (scaled):
Five rounds for max reps of:
Bench press (45-55#)
Pull-ups (jumping/band assisted)

Time: 26:43 (12 minutes of rest)
--Round 1 (time/reps): 19 bench (45#)/17 jumping pull-ups, 3:55
--Round 2: 17/8 (band assisted) + 6 (jumping), 2:52
--Round 3: 20/10 (jumping), 3:18
--Round 4: 21/7, 3:09
--Round 5: 14 (55#)/7, 2:29

Deadlifts & 400s - Day 59

Almost 2/3 of the way done with my 90 day challenge! Plan to concentrate on my form with these... don't want to sacrifice form because of the pressure of the ticking clock:).

5 min. jump rope
10 band-assisted pull-ups
10 jumping pull-ups
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTE's
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
10 burpees

WOD (scaled to puppies/women):
For time -
55# deadlifts, 15 reps
Run 400m (~0.25 mile)
55# deadlifts, 12 reps
Run 400m
55# deadlifts, 9 reps
Run 400m

Time: 10:26

First 400 was at 7mph on a treadmill, second was at 6.5mph and the final 400 was at 7mph. Probably could have pushed it harder on the runs... but I have an aversion to running:). That and my back was quite sore. I kept my core very tight throughout the lifts and the running, so that helped. I can't see if I'm rounding my back at all on the lifts. I wish there was someone who could watch me do them and critique me. Guess I just need to suck it up and get some help somewhere... possibly at an affiliate. There are 2 near me, but I just can't justify the expense when I have all (well... almost all) of the necessary workout equipment in my house.

Rest Day - Day 58

Rest day today... my legs are very thankful. I'm still having trouble walking down steps, sitting... I feel like my quads are locked up or something. But the run yesterday definitely helped.

I didn't do that pilates video last rest day, so I might try to do that tonight. That or a yoga video.

Finished "Lone Survivor" last night. I was in tears throughout most of that book, but it was a wonderful read. I learned alot and feel more proud of our troops than I already did.

Pull-ups - Day 57

Pull-ups and more pull-ups. I'm having to scale this one b/c I just can't do a full dead-hang yet, much less a weighted dead-hang:).

10 min. jog
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTE's
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
10 burpees

Five rounds for time of -
5 band-assisted pull-ups
10 practice kips

Time: 6:46

Well, I felt very awkward doing the "practice kips". I ended up doing 1 round with the kips, then switched to doing 3 rounds of 5 jumping pull-ups. Finished off with a last full round of both the jumping pull-ups and the 10 practice kips.

Felt pretty beat through the warm-up.

Oly-Lifting Seminar

I'm thinking of attending this Olympic weightlifting seminar in Richmond. Not sure yet on how comfortable I feel going. I desperately need instruction on my lifts since I'm basically just trying to teach myself by watching videos of correct form. And this is a really cheap way to get some hands-on, face-to-face learning. Gotta think some more on this, though.

Split Jerk - Day 56

I'm not sure if I'm going to go for max load today or work on form. I guess I'll just see how it goes in my warm-up with the split jerk practice.

5 min. jog
5 min. jump rope
10 pull-ups (band-assisted)
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTE's
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
10 burpees
10, 10# split jerk practice

Split Jerk
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Load: 5x5, 45#'s

Decided to practice these instead of going for a heavy load. My lower back was a little tight, so my technique might be off.

"Murph" (puppies) - Day 55

Well, it's more push-ups and pull-ups today!! Should work out the kinks pretty well with this one and continue the burn:).

5 min. jump rope
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTE's
10, 15# KB Swings
10 burpees

MURPH (puppies):
For time -
1/2 mile run (@7mph on treadmill)
35 jumping pull-ups
70 push-ups
120 squats (BW only)
1/2 mile run (@6mph and 3.5mph alternating)

Time: 31:06:37

Whew... this was tough. I was at 11:05 after the run & pull-ups. I started out doing jumping pull-ups, did 5, then realized I was never going to make it to 35 like that, so I used two bands for the next 25, then finished out with 5 jumping pull-ups. My arms felt like jelly:). The push-ups were the toughest (I knew this going in, though). Tried to do 7 rounds of 10, but after the first 2 rounds, I was at 5 per round, then it went to 3, then I was lucky to get 2 in a row. Finished push-ups with the clock at 17:48. Squats were done in reps of 12. Finished them at 25:32. Last run was a run/walk combo. I felt like I was willing my legs to move:).

Side note: I picked up "Lone Survivor" by Marcus Luttrell at the library today. So far it is EXCELLENT!

Rest Day - Day 54

Rest day... I can barely lift my arms this morning after that killer workout yesterday.

I plan to do a pilates DVD tonight. Never done it before, so it should be fun.

And here is a wake-up call for me to keep my bitching about sore muscles in perspective.

"J.T." - Day 53

Well, it's late/early, but since the WOD was posted and I'm up late, I figured I'd get a head start on this... JUST KIDDING. I'll do this tomorrow, probably afternoon:).

10 min. jump rope X 5 min. jump rope only
10 jumping pull-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTE's
10, 15# KB swings
10 burpees X ankle pain cancelled this

"J.T." (scaled to a Pack/Puppies combo):
21-15-9 reps
HSPU prog. (shins on bench)
Bench Dips

Time: 12:30
--21 reps: 5:09
--15 reps: 4:36
--9 reps: 2:45

Notes: Wow, this was WAY tougher than I anticipated! I thought to myself before starting... "I should be able to do 21 regular push-ups, no problem". I forgot to take into account the fact that my arms would be TIRED after doing the HSPU progressions and the bench dips. I was very proud of myself for not compromising on the push-ups and bench dips. Typically I would switch to knee push-ups, but I kept going with the full push-ups, even when I was collapsing after 2 reps:)haha.

Cleans & Rope Climbs - Day 52

Today's WOD is hang squat cleans and rope climbs. Since I do not have access to a rope (really wish I did, though!), I'll be subbing towel pull-ups (more like towel hangs with a jerky movement to switch the height of my arms).

5 min. jog
5 min. jump rope
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTE's
10 burpees

WOD (scaled to Puppies):
Four rounds for time of:
55# Hang Squat Cleans, 5 reps
3 rope climbs (sub towel switches)

Time: 6:22
--Round 1: 1:40
--Round 2: 1:22
--Round 3: 1:38
--Round 4: 1:42

Notes: Felt SERIOUSLY gassed after this workout, but in a really good way. After I cooled down, I felt a little nauseated, but that could have been from working out on an empty stomach. I felt really strong through the cleans. The towel switches were pretty awkward, didn't feel confident with this at all and probably should have done 6 per round or more. I would really like to get a rope hung somewhere... maybe at our next house or outside somewhere. I watched the video of Dave Castro doing this WOD before attempting it and was very inspired.

Back Squats - Day 51

Today's WOD is Back Squats. I never feel quite comfortable doing these due to the setup of my home gym. I'm going to try for a PR today, though (shouldn't be too hard:)haha). Compare to 2.3.09.

5 min. jog
5 min. jump rope
10 jumping pull-ups
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
5 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
5 burpees

Back squat
3-3-3-3-3 reps

Load: 45-65-75-65-45

Shins were seriously painful during the jog, but they loosened up a little through the run. Burpees were a lot easier today! Might need to up them to 10 next time.

Rest Day - Day 50

Rest Day.

Body Image Musings

Well, I've been going through a bit of a crisis in my CrossFit 90 Day Challenge lately. I am seeing changes taking place in my body and I hadn't really decided whether I was happy about it or not. Nothing drastic, of course, but my thighs are getting more muscular, my arms are as well, but I feel better, feel stronger and my waist is getting trimmer.

I still have the fear of being this muscle-woman that looks like a man. I imagine most women don't view this type of body as ideal by any means. But, I was reading an article in the CrossFit Journal about how to get more women in a CrossFit box and some of it really rang true for me. Do I want to be skinny (and more than likely fat... b/c I can't stick with a diet that just cuts calories) or do I want to be strong, feel athletic, and be able to do a pull-up! So thanks to that article by Josh Bunch, I've decided to be positive about these changes to my body, even if my legs get more muscular than Adam's (just kidding).

To be honest, I'm not that muscular, it's just my perception that needs to change.

AMRAP: PU, Dips, SU - Day 49

Today's WOD is another "as many rounds as possible" WOD. Personally, I don't feel as competitive with these types of WODs as I feel when it's just me against the clock. Going to dinner tonight with my Mom, so I'll do this after I get home.

3.5 min. jump rope
10 push-ups
10 KTE's
5 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
5 burpees

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes:
5 pull-ups (jumping)
5 dips (bench dips)
15 sit-ups

Rounds: 9 (one-minute still on the clock)

Pull-ups were seriously weak, but the sit-ups and dips felt strong.

CrossFit Total - Day 48

Today's WOD is the tester for strength. I'll go back and look what my previous loads were, but I'm not sure that I've tried to max out on this WOD yet. I'm always a little nervous doing this since I don't have a rack to easily lift and drop the weight on the back squat.

10 min. jog
10 push-ups
10 jumping pull-ups
20 ball sit-ups
5 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
10 KTE's
5 burpees

Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

Total: 215
BS Load - 45, played it safe without a rack
SP Load - 65(f), 55
DL Load - 115 (PR!)

HSPU, PU, Lunges - Day 47

Today's WOD has to be scaled almost to where it's not recognizable because I don't have the skills necessary to complete it. It calls for HSPU, L-Pull-ups and lunges. I'll be scaling to the "pupppies" version on BrandX. I have a bit of a stomach-bug, so I'm not sure how much energy I'll have for this.

5 min. jog
5 min. jump rope X only 2 minutes... severe nausea (lots of DU's though, some in a row)
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTE's
10, 15# KB Swings

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes:
3 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
6 jumping pull-ups
9 steps, walking lunges

Rounds: 7 (pathetic)

*Practice L-sits after completing WOD.

I didn't practice L-sits after the WOD and I definitely didn't give this my all, not even close. I had to keep stopping during both the warm-up and the WOD to curb the nausea. Guess the stomach upset decided to stick around all day. Feel very disappointed with this workout.

On a more positive note, though, on one of the 42 pull-ups in this WOD, I almost got a dead-hang pull-up!!! Pretty excited about that. I definitely feel much stronger with the jumping pull-ups the more I do them.

Rest Day - Day 46

Rest Day... and beautiful weather outside. Doesn't get better than that! :)

5K - Day 45

I'm halfway through my 90 day challenge! Hooray! My body is definitely feeling strained, but nothing outright hurts, so I'm doing really well.

Today's WOD is a 5K... I hate running. The scaling on Brandx says 1-2 miles depending on ability. I'm going to try for the full 3 miles, but we'll see how far I make it.

5 min. jump rope
10 push-ups
5 jumping pull-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTE's

(or 3 miles, or whatever I can do)

Time: 17:30
Distance: ~1.5 miles

Well, this did not go as planned. I think I have a mental block against running. I felt like I was going to puke while running, but then when I stopped, my recovery time was nil. I walked for about 2 minutes total during the 1.5 miles.

On a positive note, I did 3 consecutive double-unders in the warm-up! I'm starting to get the hang of them now! They still aren't pretty, though:). I was a little bummed when Adam was able to do one on his first try. It took me FOREVER to finally get one and he did one his first try. I guess that's the difference between an athletic person (Adam) and a non-athletic person (ME!).

And I washed my FILTHY car today:). It's very shiny now.

"Jackie" - Day 44

Today's WOD is "Jackie"... looks like LOTS of SDHP's. I'm hoping it doesn't take me forever and a day to complete them. I'm scaling to the puppies version off of BrandX.

5 min. jog
5 min. jump rope X - was running short on time, so cut this out
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTE's X only did 5 KTE's
5, 10# SDHP practice
5, 10# thruster practice

"Jackie" - puppies:
Run 1000m (or 100 SDHP!!)
10# thrusters, 20 reps
20 pull-ups (jumping)

Time: 10:08

Did the SDHP's in 5:05, then about 2 minutes for the thrusters. Pull-ups were tough after all that. :)

Clean & Jerk - Day 43

Today's WOD is Clean & Jerk. Looking forward to more lifting!

5 min. jog
5 min. jump rope
10 push-ups
5 pull-ups (jumping)
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTE's
5, 10 sec. ring stabilization
10, 10# C&J practice

Clean & Jerk

Load: 45-55-65(ugly!)-45-45-45-45

The 65#'er was really ugly... so I went back to 45lbs. to practice my form. Felt good through the run which is a change b/c lately my cardio warm-up has been the hardest thing for me. I finally did another double-under! I got 4 again this time, not in a row, of course.

Rest Day - Day 42

Rest day... as RX'd.

"Barbie" - Day 41

Today's WOD is "Barbara". I'm scaling this again per the BrandX site to "Barbie". I'm hoping these pull-ups don't re-aggravate my elbow. I'm going to give it all I've got regardless. My previous time on this was approx. 10:35 or sub-2:00 per round. I hope I can beat that this time.

5 min. jump rope (work on double unders... haven't had success here since Day 30)
10 KTE's
10, 15# KB swings
10 bench dips
10 box jumps (subbing 2/3 stairs) X didn't do these, no energy


Five rounds, each for time of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Sit-ups
20 Squats

Rest precisely three minutes between each round.

Time: 9:73:02
--Round 1: 2:07:62
--Round 2: 1:58:23
--Round 3: 1:53:45
--Round 4: 1:48:73
--Round 5: 1:55:99

Push-ups were tough, but I didn't go to knee push-ups. The regular push-ups just got pretty ugly by the end. Elbow is throbbing, so I'm going to ice it up tonight. Rest day tomorrow is a good thing.

Deadlifts - Day 40

Today is deadlifts! :) Last time I PR'd with 95lbs., so hopefully I can get more than that this time. I'm not going to push it, though, b/c I don't want to injure my elbow any further. I'm not sure how it will feel, but I'm going to take it easy in the warm-up and eliminate the pull-ups and ring stabilizations for now.

10 min. jog
7 pushups
20 ball situps
10 KTE's
10 air squats

1-1-1-1-1-1-1, reps

Load: 45-65-75-95-105(NEW PR!)-95-75

Felt really lethargic and light-headed during this work-out. Especially on the run. I might need to up the blocks or fat in my diet. I'm going to keep going with the 11 blocks for a little while longer and see if my body doesn't adjust. If not, I'll rethink this.

"Helen" - Day 39

Today's WOD is "Helen". I really love this workout, but never while I'm doing it:).

5 min. jump rope
7 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
10 KTE's
5, 10 sec. ring stabilization

"Helen" (scaled to puppies):
Three rounds for time of:
Run 400m (about 0.25mile)
15 KB swings, 15#
9 pull-ups (jumping/reverse)

Time: 14:34:29

--Round 1: 4:23 @ 6.5mph on treadmill
--Round 2: 4:54 @ 7mph
--Round 3: 5:17 @ 6.5mph

This WOD was EXHAUSTING for me, specifically the running. And I had pretty bad elbow pain during the pull-ups. I iced it after I finished. I'm hoping if I take it easy on the next few WODs when it comes to pull-ups, it will go away. I can't afford to take time off now... when I'm almost half-way through my 90 day challenge.