I'll be scaling to a mix of pack/puppies for Elizabeth today. I just can't do that many cleans with 55-75#s.
5 min. jog
5 min. jump rope
10 jumping pull-ups
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
30 Burpees
"Elizabeth" (pack/puppies):
Hang power cleans, 45#
Bench dips (x2, i.e. 42-30-18)
Time: 9:06:77
Whew, those 30 burpees were tough today. I was going to break them up and do 15 and 15, but once I got the first 15 (which were the toughest), I didn't want to have to do 15 again after doing something else in the warm-up, so I pushed on through the second set of 15.
Hang cleans were broken up as 15/6, then 15 & 9 straight through. Dips were broken up as 15/10/7/8/2, then 10/10/5/5, and lastly 10/8. My shoulders were burning big time on the dips. I've decided I don't like doing bench dips:).
Next time I'll go for the pack weight of 55 or 65lbs. The cleans were tough, but I think I could have pushed it more.
Rest Day
Posted by Kate at Wednesday, April 29, 2009
CrossFit.com Rest Day.
+ 29 Burpees
I also decided to finally try out the pilates video I've had since Christmas. It was fun. I felt very uncoordinated:) and I was only doing the abs part. I could definitely have done better!
+ 29 Burpees
I also decided to finally try out the pilates video I've had since Christmas. It was fun. I felt very uncoordinated:) and I was only doing the abs part. I could definitely have done better!
Shoulder Press
Posted by Kate at Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Today's WOD is max shoulder press, a major weakness of mine. Anything overhead without the help of legs is hard for me. I really want to get 75lbs. this time. Back is very sore today.
5 min. jog
3.5 min. punching bag
10 jumping pull-ups
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
10, 5 sec. hold on the rings
28 Burpees
Should Press
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Loads: 45# x 7 reps
Had trouble with my motivation today and my back is really sore from those dreadful sumo-deadlift high pulls yesterday. I decided to take it easy and just practice form with the bar instead of going for max weight.
5 min. jog
3.5 min. punching bag
10 jumping pull-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10, 5 sec. hold on the rings
28 Burpees
Should Press
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Loads: 45# x 7 reps
Had trouble with my motivation today and my back is really sore from those dreadful sumo-deadlift high pulls yesterday. I decided to take it easy and just practice form with the bar instead of going for max weight.
SDHP & Dips
Posted by Kate at Monday, April 27, 2009
Might do this workout today. I haven't quite decided whether I should take a week off and just rest, then come back and hit everything hard again or whether I should just keep going with the WOD's. I feel alright except for limited flexibility & tightness in my knee. I need to look up some stretching for this, I guess.
Basically, I'm just afraid that if I take a week off, I'll slack off completely and stop working out regularly.
5 min. jog
5 min. punching bag
10 jumping pull-ups
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
10, 20# KB/DB Swings
27 burpees
WOD (Pack):
Five rounds for time of:
45# Sumo-deadlift high-pull, 21 reps
21 Dips (bench dips)
Time: 14:46:48
--Round 1: 2:21 (SDHP - 14/7)
--Round 2: 2:51 (SDHP - 7/8/6)
--Round 3: 3:08 (SDHP - 7/7/7)
--Round 4: 3:07 (SDHP - 7/7/7)
--Round 5: 3:19 (SDHP - 7/7/7)
Really tired on this one. Some of my SDHP's were gross, and I'll probably be feeling it in my back tonight/tomorrow. I guess I'm still feeling the effects of my horrible eating/drinking weekend. Plus, the unusually hot weather is probably taking a bit of a toll. No spring this year, I guess:). Let's see... what other excuses could I possibly come up with? :)
I've been trying to make a plan for when I'll visit my local affiliate (CrossFit NRV). The problem is that I want to make sure I get a full month's worth there to really test how it affects my performance, but I'll be out over a week in May and don't want to waste that time (& money). So, I've decided to continue to work out at home until May 20th or so (when I'll be back from vacation & my yearly conference for work will be complete). So I have less than 30 days to work up my nerve:).
Basically, I'm just afraid that if I take a week off, I'll slack off completely and stop working out regularly.
5 min. jog
5 min. punching bag
10 jumping pull-ups
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
10, 20# KB/DB Swings
27 burpees
WOD (Pack):
Five rounds for time of:
45# Sumo-deadlift high-pull, 21 reps
21 Dips (bench dips)
Time: 14:46:48
--Round 1: 2:21 (SDHP - 14/7)
--Round 2: 2:51 (SDHP - 7/8/6)
--Round 3: 3:08 (SDHP - 7/7/7)
--Round 4: 3:07 (SDHP - 7/7/7)
--Round 5: 3:19 (SDHP - 7/7/7)
Really tired on this one. Some of my SDHP's were gross, and I'll probably be feeling it in my back tonight/tomorrow. I guess I'm still feeling the effects of my horrible eating/drinking weekend. Plus, the unusually hot weather is probably taking a bit of a toll. No spring this year, I guess:). Let's see... what other excuses could I possibly come up with? :)
I've been trying to make a plan for when I'll visit my local affiliate (CrossFit NRV). The problem is that I want to make sure I get a full month's worth there to really test how it affects my performance, but I'll be out over a week in May and don't want to waste that time (& money). So, I've decided to continue to work out at home until May 20th or so (when I'll be back from vacation & my yearly conference for work will be complete). So I have less than 30 days to work up my nerve:).
Rest Days
Posted by Kate at Sunday, April 26, 2009
Yesterday was a CrossFit.com rest day and it was not restive in the least, but certainly enjoyable:)! I spent the day tailgating with family & friends in the sun (unusually hot for us for April at 90 degrees), then up late drinking excessive quantities of alcohol while playing poker (and losing) until 1am.
I'm feeling exhausted today and disappointed that I didn't get my burpees in last night. I'm going to try to get all 51 done today, but I will probably have to break them up.
I'll be taking a second rest day today.
I'm feeling exhausted today and disappointed that I didn't get my burpees in last night. I'm going to try to get all 51 done today, but I will probably have to break them up.
I'll be taking a second rest day today.
"Michael"... maybe
Posted by Kate at Friday, April 24, 2009
I'm not sure if I'm going to do this WOD tonight, it depends on two things, work (i.e. having enough time to complete this after work and before our friends get into town) & my back (which is still SUPER sore and the BE's yesterday didn't help).
If I do this, I'll sub supermans for BE's, just to give my back a break. What's the deal with all the back work lately? This series has been heavy one. The last time I did this was last September and got around 25 minutes. Gotta blow that away this time:).
5 min. jump rope
10 jumping pull-ups
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
24 burpees
"Michael" (Pack):
Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters (~0.5mile)
35 Back Extensions (sub - supermans)
35 Sit-ups
Time: 20:20:21
--Round 1: 6:31 (@7.0mph on treadmill)
--Round 2: 6:55 (@6.5mph)
--Round 3: 6:54 (@6.0mph)
Felt really gassed on the running and my skipping lunch today probably accounted for some of the lightheaded-ness I felt. Basically just glad I finished and beat my previous time.
I plan to take the weekend off as rest. It all depends on how much I drink tomorrow and how late our guests stay on Sunday, though. Might hit up something light on Sunday. And I definitely want to try to get the burpees in every day. Otherwise it'll be like 75+ I'll owe on Monday... NOT a great way to start the work week:).
Happy weekend all!!
If I do this, I'll sub supermans for BE's, just to give my back a break. What's the deal with all the back work lately? This series has been heavy one. The last time I did this was last September and got around 25 minutes. Gotta blow that away this time:).
5 min. jump rope
10 jumping pull-ups
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
24 burpees
"Michael" (Pack):
Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters (~0.5mile)
35 Back Extensions (sub - supermans)
35 Sit-ups
Time: 20:20:21
--Round 1: 6:31 (@7.0mph on treadmill)
--Round 2: 6:55 (@6.5mph)
--Round 3: 6:54 (@6.0mph)
Felt really gassed on the running and my skipping lunch today probably accounted for some of the lightheaded-ness I felt. Basically just glad I finished and beat my previous time.
I plan to take the weekend off as rest. It all depends on how much I drink tomorrow and how late our guests stay on Sunday, though. Might hit up something light on Sunday. And I definitely want to try to get the burpees in every day. Otherwise it'll be like 75+ I'll owe on Monday... NOT a great way to start the work week:).
Happy weekend all!!
Filthy Fifty (or 35)
Posted by Kate at Thursday, April 23, 2009
This is a beast of a workout, but I always feel super tough after I complete it:). I'm scaling to something of a mix between pack & puppies b/c I don't have the necessary equipment for a true Pack workout on this one (KB & wall ball).
Last time I did this was here.
5 min. jog
5 min. punching bag XX skipped this
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
23 Burpees
Filthy 50 (Pack/Puppies):
For time -
35 box jumps (16")
35 jumping pull-ups (on chair)
35 KB swings (20#)
35 walking lunges
35 ab mat sit-ups
35 push press (45#)
35 back extensions XX did 20 instead, back was hurting
35 wall ball shots (4-5#)
35 burpees
35 single jump ropes XX did 70 instead
Time: 26:32
Ugh... back soreness (w/some pain) today, guess I didn't do those deadlifts properly!! :(
Finished the box jumps in 2 minutes, the jumping pull-ups in 1.5 minutes. Got through KB swings & walking lunges (surprisingly hard after the jumping pull-ups & bj') at 10:30 on the stop watch. Sit-ups & push presses completed at 15:42. Push presses were done in reps of 5 except for the first 10. Wall balls complete at 19:40 and burpees at 25:45. The burpees seriously smoked me. The 23 beforehand probably attributed to this.
I LOVE this workout... hate it while I'm doing it (& said a few choice curse words as I was doing the burpees:)!), but I love it when I'm done.
Last time I did this was here.
5 min. jog
5 min. punching bag XX skipped this
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
23 Burpees
Filthy 50 (Pack/Puppies):
For time -
35 box jumps (16")
35 jumping pull-ups (on chair)
35 KB swings (20#)
35 walking lunges
35 ab mat sit-ups
35 push press (45#)
35 back extensions XX did 20 instead, back was hurting
35 wall ball shots (4-5#)
35 burpees
35 single jump ropes XX did 70 instead
Time: 26:32
Ugh... back soreness (w/some pain) today, guess I didn't do those deadlifts properly!! :(
Finished the box jumps in 2 minutes, the jumping pull-ups in 1.5 minutes. Got through KB swings & walking lunges (surprisingly hard after the jumping pull-ups & bj') at 10:30 on the stop watch. Sit-ups & push presses completed at 15:42. Push presses were done in reps of 5 except for the first 10. Wall balls complete at 19:40 and burpees at 25:45. The burpees seriously smoked me. The 23 beforehand probably attributed to this.
I LOVE this workout... hate it while I'm doing it (& said a few choice curse words as I was doing the burpees:)!), but I love it when I'm done.
Posted by Kate at Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Today's WOD is deadlifts, so I'm gonna go at this one despite my claim for a couple of rest days. I'll do rest days this weekend, I think. We'll see.
Going to try to beat my previous PR of 135.
5 min. jog
5 min. punching bag
10 pull-ups (jumping)
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
22 burpees
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Loads: 95-115-135-145(PR!)-145-115-95
GREAT article on Cortisol/rest/recovery/overall good advice from Daniel (& Rebecca). It's so hard to not feel like you always need to do more & eat less, but that is more than likely counter-productive to your goals. Great read!
Pics of this workout:
Going to try to beat my previous PR of 135.
5 min. jog
5 min. punching bag
10 pull-ups (jumping)
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
22 burpees
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Loads: 95-115-135-145(PR!)-145-115-95
GREAT article on Cortisol/rest/recovery/overall good advice from Daniel (& Rebecca). It's so hard to not feel like you always need to do more & eat less, but that is more than likely counter-productive to your goals. Great read!
Pics of this workout:
Posted by Kate at Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I've made a TON of progress since Day 1 of my challenge. It's amazing how much of an impact setting a goal can have upon motivation and success.
Day 1 of the challenge I could barely do 1 full ROM push-up, couldn't get my chin above the bar on a jumping pull-up and had to scale everything to "Buttercups".
As of day 90, I can't now do multiple full ROM push-ups (more than 20 in every one of my warm-ups), almost 1 full ROM pull-up, scale everything to "Puppies" and even some to "Pack". I feel stronger, feel tougher mentally and while the work-outs still scare the begeezus out of me, I am not so intimated that I automatically think, "I can't do that".
As an added benefit, I've also lost 6lbs. and about 1.5 inches off my hips, waist, and thighs.
I'm really excited to see how much more I can improve!
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." - Sir Winston Churchill
Day 1 of the challenge I could barely do 1 full ROM push-up, couldn't get my chin above the bar on a jumping pull-up and had to scale everything to "Buttercups".
As of day 90, I can't now do multiple full ROM push-ups (more than 20 in every one of my warm-ups), almost 1 full ROM pull-up, scale everything to "Puppies" and even some to "Pack". I feel stronger, feel tougher mentally and while the work-outs still scare the begeezus out of me, I am not so intimated that I automatically think, "I can't do that".
As an added benefit, I've also lost 6lbs. and about 1.5 inches off my hips, waist, and thighs.
I'm really excited to see how much more I can improve!
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." - Sir Winston Churchill
Rest Day - Day 90
Posted by Kate at Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Well, it's finally here, my 90 day challenge is complete! :) Looking back, it really didn't start getting hard until this weekend... but that was probably b/c I didn't feel well. Now, on to the next adventure:)!
I'll still be continuing with the burpees. I used to hate burpees even more than I hate running... with this 100 Day burpee challenge they are starting to grow on me, though. Who would have thought? :)
I'm going to rest for the rest of this week if I can. My boredom may not allow this, but I think my body could use the rest.
Spring game (VT Football) this Saturday!! Should be fun, lots of drinking/tailgating and quality time with friends.
21 burpees
(I do burpees on rest days in my bedroom b/c I usually forget about them until shortly before bed... anyways, they are MUCH easier this way b/c I'm usually in socks on the carpet and my feet just slide on back to the push-up position. LOVE doing them on rest days, now:)!)
I'll still be continuing with the burpees. I used to hate burpees even more than I hate running... with this 100 Day burpee challenge they are starting to grow on me, though. Who would have thought? :)
I'm going to rest for the rest of this week if I can. My boredom may not allow this, but I think my body could use the rest.
Spring game (VT Football) this Saturday!! Should be fun, lots of drinking/tailgating and quality time with friends.
21 burpees
(I do burpees on rest days in my bedroom b/c I usually forget about them until shortly before bed... anyways, they are MUCH easier this way b/c I'm usually in socks on the carpet and my feet just slide on back to the push-up position. LOVE doing them on rest days, now:)!)
Back Squats - Day 89
Posted by Kate at Monday, April 20, 2009
Spending the day in bed (sick day). I hope the rest will get me over whatever I've got.
5 min. jog (slow - try to loosen calves)
10 push-ups
10 jumping pull-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
10, 15# KB Swings
20 Burpees
Back Squat
3-3-3-3-3 reps
Load: 45-55-65-65-55
Went easy today, didn't push it. Just don't have much in the tank. I'm feeling frustrated and sick of being sick!!! :(
Calf feels better after the slow jog and lots of stretching. :)
5 min. jog (slow - try to loosen calves)
10 push-ups
10 jumping pull-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
10, 15# KB Swings
20 Burpees
Back Squat
3-3-3-3-3 reps
Load: 45-55-65-65-55
Went easy today, didn't push it. Just don't have much in the tank. I'm feeling frustrated and sick of being sick!!! :(
Calf feels better after the slow jog and lots of stretching. :)
"Angie" - Day 88
Posted by Kate at Sunday, April 19, 2009
Feeling worse today... throat is definitely NOT just allergies. Scaling way down due to this.
Last time I did this was 10.30.08 and I scaled to almost 1/2 Angie (i.e. 50 jumping pull-ups, 37 girl push-ups, 50 sit-ups, and 60 squats) and my time was 10:34.
3.5 min. jump rope
5 min. punching bag (maybe) XX didn't do this
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
10, 15# KB swings
19 Burpees
"Angie" (scaled to Buttercups):
20 jumping pull-ups
20 push-ups
20 sit-ups
20 squats
Time: 4:31:46
Pull-ups were broken up as 10 jumping, 10 band-assisted. Adam did a few burpees with me and it helped get my motivation to about half where it needed to be. Just couldn't feel up to this today. I know it's just overall body tiredness and being sick, but I really wanted to finish strong. Squats were the hardest in this due to soreness in the legs.
My right calf is so locked up I can barely walk. Tried stretching it out before and after the workout, but it wasn't happening. Maybe time will loosen it up.
Last time I did this was 10.30.08 and I scaled to almost 1/2 Angie (i.e. 50 jumping pull-ups, 37 girl push-ups, 50 sit-ups, and 60 squats) and my time was 10:34.
3.5 min. jump rope
5 min. punching bag (maybe) XX didn't do this
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
10, 15# KB swings
19 Burpees
"Angie" (scaled to Buttercups):
20 jumping pull-ups
20 push-ups
20 sit-ups
20 squats
Time: 4:31:46
Pull-ups were broken up as 10 jumping, 10 band-assisted. Adam did a few burpees with me and it helped get my motivation to about half where it needed to be. Just couldn't feel up to this today. I know it's just overall body tiredness and being sick, but I really wanted to finish strong. Squats were the hardest in this due to soreness in the legs.
My right calf is so locked up I can barely walk. Tried stretching it out before and after the workout, but it wasn't happening. Maybe time will loosen it up.
Inverted Burpees - Day 87
Posted by Kate at Saturday, April 18, 2009
What?! Seriously, this should be interesting to attempt. I hope I don't dislodge something. Feeling really crappy today, sore throat, no sleep the past two nights. BUT I did get my 17 burpees in yesterday, whoopee! :) And my diligence is repaid by having a WOD with burpees (inverted, though) today. Oh well:).
Knee is still achy, might need to ice it after hiking and this WOD.
5 min. jump rope
5 min. punching bag
10 jumping pull-ups
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
18 Burpees
WOD (puppies):
For time -
25 inverted burpees
Time: 6:40

Hike was a total mess, we got lost and missed the turn and ended up not getting to the top because we were exhausted by the time we found our way back to the main road... total hike of 8 miles. I felt REALLY out of shape on the way back down... it could have been my sense of failure at not reaching the top, though. Absolutely beautiful day! Pictures to follow sometime soon (hopefully tonight).

Icing the knee now:).
Rest Day - Day 86
Posted by Kate at Friday, April 17, 2009
Rest day...
+ 17 burpees
(Going to actually try to DO them on a rest day finally - doubling up tomorrow will suck.)
"Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop." -Ovid
+ 17 burpees
(Going to actually try to DO them on a rest day finally - doubling up tomorrow will suck.)
"Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop." -Ovid
"Danny" - Day 85
Posted by Kate at Thursday, April 16, 2009
Sadly, it's another Hero WOD today. Two new ones in one week is just plain sad:(. And it looks like a killer!
5 min. jog (slow)
5 min. punching bag
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTCs
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
16 Burpees

Oakland SWAT Sergeant Daniel Sakai, age 35, was killed on March 21, 2009 in the line of duty along with fellow officers Sergeant Ervin Romans, Sergeant Mark Dunakin, and Officer John Hege. Daniel is survived by wife Jenni and son Jojiye.
Image taken from Crossfit.com
"Danny" (puppies):
Complete AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
15-20" box jumps, 20 reps (gotta measure to see what my stairs are -- 16")
45# push press, 15 reps
20 pull-ups (jumping - even though it's not exactly recommended)
Total Rounds: 2 + ~20 box jumps (timer showed 12:20 when I finished the 20 bj's)
1st round of pull-ups were jumping, second round were band-assisted. The pull-ups are what REALLY slowed me down, just didn't have the strength today.
Pain in my left knee all day today... must have pounded too hard on it with Helen. Glad it's a rest day tomorrow! :)
5 min. jog (slow)
5 min. punching bag
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTCs
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
16 Burpees

Oakland SWAT Sergeant Daniel Sakai, age 35, was killed on March 21, 2009 in the line of duty along with fellow officers Sergeant Ervin Romans, Sergeant Mark Dunakin, and Officer John Hege. Daniel is survived by wife Jenni and son Jojiye.
Image taken from Crossfit.com
"Danny" (puppies):
Complete AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
15-20" box jumps, 20 reps (gotta measure to see what my stairs are -- 16")
45# push press, 15 reps
20 pull-ups (jumping - even though it's not exactly recommended)
Total Rounds: 2 + ~20 box jumps (timer showed 12:20 when I finished the 20 bj's)
1st round of pull-ups were jumping, second round were band-assisted. The pull-ups are what REALLY slowed me down, just didn't have the strength today.
Pain in my left knee all day today... must have pounded too hard on it with Helen. Glad it's a rest day tomorrow! :)
Can't wait...
Posted by Kate at Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I'm one of those people who sits up at night clicking "refresh" on the Crossfit.com site because I just can't WAIT to see what kind of torture awaits me tomorrow. Not really torture... more like SWEATY FUN! :)
I honestly don't know if I'll be this obsessed once the 90 day challenge is over. I mean, I do need to have some balance in my life, but the gains I've made these past few months and the way I feel (other than soreness/tiredness) has definitely kept me motivated the whole way through.
I would really like to see what kind of gains I could make in 6 months or a year. I probably won't be able to sustain this level during football season (college) with all the eating/drinking/tailgating, but that is still months away and gives me plenty of time to push it hard.
I've been thinking about changing the 3 on, 1 off schedule to 5 on, 2 off (to allow for more stuff on the weekends). The weekends are usually when I find my motivation the weakest and also when I usually end up working out late (which I'd like to avoid). I'm not sure if my body could take 5 full out days, though. It would also mean experimenting with my own programming, which I don't really feel comfortable with yet. I guess I need to give this some more thought.
Anyways, with the 90 day challenge almost over (YES!), I'm gathering a list of other goals I want to meet.
Goals after 90 day challenge:
100 Day Burpee Challenge with CrossFitNRV (continue & complete)
VISIT CrossFit NRV - I'm nervous about this (always have had serious hang-ups about working out around other people... it makes me self-conscious)
Get a damn dead hang pull-up!!
Basics - work on things like squats & oly lifts
I honestly don't know if I'll be this obsessed once the 90 day challenge is over. I mean, I do need to have some balance in my life, but the gains I've made these past few months and the way I feel (other than soreness/tiredness) has definitely kept me motivated the whole way through.
I would really like to see what kind of gains I could make in 6 months or a year. I probably won't be able to sustain this level during football season (college) with all the eating/drinking/tailgating, but that is still months away and gives me plenty of time to push it hard.
I've been thinking about changing the 3 on, 1 off schedule to 5 on, 2 off (to allow for more stuff on the weekends). The weekends are usually when I find my motivation the weakest and also when I usually end up working out late (which I'd like to avoid). I'm not sure if my body could take 5 full out days, though. It would also mean experimenting with my own programming, which I don't really feel comfortable with yet. I guess I need to give this some more thought.
Anyways, with the 90 day challenge almost over (YES!), I'm gathering a list of other goals I want to meet.
Goals after 90 day challenge:
100 Day Burpee Challenge with CrossFitNRV (continue & complete)
VISIT CrossFit NRV - I'm nervous about this (always have had serious hang-ups about working out around other people... it makes me self-conscious)
Get a damn dead hang pull-up!!
Basics - work on things like squats & oly lifts
"Helen" - Day 84
Posted by Kate at Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Compare to Day 39 (3.1.09).
5 min. jump rope
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
15 Burpees
"Helen" (puppies):
Three rounds for time of -
Run 400m (~0.25mile)
15 KB swings, 15#
9 pull-ups (jumping)
Time: 11:10:77
--Round 1: 3:41 (@ 7.5mph on treadmill)
--Round 2: 3:46 (@ 7.5mph)
--Round 3: 3:43 (@ 7.5mph)
3.5 minute PR!! Woo WOO! :) Still feeling the effects of this bad girl a half an hour later. I had the whole "heart beat pumping in my face" feeling after collapsing.
5 min. jump rope
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
15 Burpees
"Helen" (puppies):
Three rounds for time of -
Run 400m (~0.25mile)
15 KB swings, 15#
9 pull-ups (jumping)
Time: 11:10:77
--Round 1: 3:41 (@ 7.5mph on treadmill)
--Round 2: 3:46 (@ 7.5mph)
--Round 3: 3:43 (@ 7.5mph)
3.5 minute PR!! Woo WOO! :) Still feeling the effects of this bad girl a half an hour later. I had the whole "heart beat pumping in my face" feeling after collapsing.
"D.T." - Day 83
Posted by Kate at Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Yesterday was tough for me, still had soreness from the past two WODs and was just feeling blah overall. Weather was yucky, allergies were bad and I had an earache. I napped for about 3 hours yesterday afternoon, and I usually don't nap. I'm glad to get back to the WODs, though. Hope I feel the same this afternoon when it's time to do it!:) It being a hero WOD should help.
13 burpees (from yesterday!)
5 min. jog
5 min. jump rope
10 jumping pull-ups
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
14 burpees

In honor of USAF SSgt
Timothy P. Davis, 28,
who was killed on
Feburary, 20 2009
supporting operations
in OEF when his vehicle
was struck by an IED.
Timothy is survived by his
wife Megan and one-year old son T.J.
(Picture taken from Crossfit.com)
"D.T." (Puppies):
Three rounds for time of:
45# Deadlift, 12 reps
45# Hang power clean, 9 reps
45# Push jerk, 6 reps
--Round 1: 2:13
--Round 2: 2:29
--Round 3: 2:30
I feel GREAT after this workout! It's nice to not be so sore I can barely lift my arms. The day after a rest day is always my best showing:). Maybe I'll just take a rest day after every workout (just kidding!). Power cleans feel awkward, so my form is probably way off. I need to do some studying & practice on this. Deadlifts felt really strong since it was only 45#s and the push jerks were tough, but solid.
Aside: Burpees are getting easier! I might not be saying this in a few weeks when I'm in the 50's, though...
"Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress." -Alfred A. Montapert
13 burpees (from yesterday!)
5 min. jog
5 min. jump rope
10 jumping pull-ups
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
14 burpees

In honor of USAF SSgt
Timothy P. Davis, 28,
who was killed on
Feburary, 20 2009
supporting operations
in OEF when his vehicle
was struck by an IED.
Timothy is survived by his
wife Megan and one-year old son T.J.
(Picture taken from Crossfit.com)
"D.T." (Puppies):
Three rounds for time of:
45# Deadlift, 12 reps
45# Hang power clean, 9 reps
45# Push jerk, 6 reps
--Round 1: 2:13
--Round 2: 2:29
--Round 3: 2:30
I feel GREAT after this workout! It's nice to not be so sore I can barely lift my arms. The day after a rest day is always my best showing:). Maybe I'll just take a rest day after every workout (just kidding!). Power cleans feel awkward, so my form is probably way off. I need to do some studying & practice on this. Deadlifts felt really strong since it was only 45#s and the push jerks were tough, but solid.
Aside: Burpees are getting easier! I might not be saying this in a few weeks when I'm in the 50's, though...
"Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress." -Alfred A. Montapert
Rest Day - Day 82
Posted by Kate at Sunday, April 12, 2009
Rest day...
and 13 burpees.
"One ceases to recognize the significance of mountain peaks if
they are not viewed occasionally from the deepest valleys." -Dr. Al Lorin
and 13 burpees.
"One ceases to recognize the significance of mountain peaks if
they are not viewed occasionally from the deepest valleys." -Dr. Al Lorin
Muscle-Ups - Day 81
Posted by Kate at Sunday, April 12, 2009
Here's an awesome video I stole from the CrossFit Northern Kentucky site:
What is CrossFit? from Jennie Forman on Vimeo.
Today's WOD is Muscle-Ups... muscle-ups on Easter, gotta love it:). Since I cannot do a muscle-up yet, I'm either going to try to work on muscle-up progressions (ie. do the dips & pulls with the rings) or just do the standard sub of pull-ups and bench dips that I typically do.
Either way, I'm scaling this to "Pack" level.
5 min. jog
5 min. punching bag XX nixed this since it was so late
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
10, 15# KB swings
12 burpees
WOD (Pack):
For time -
60 pull-ups (jumping/band-assisted)
60 dips
Time: 12:36
I ended up doing this at 9PM tonight... ugh, too late to workout for me, especially on a full stomach. I did 6 sets of 10 and did just the basic jumping/band-assisted pull-ups and bench dips. Didn't feel like watching videos on the muscle-up progressions before getting to this. Really lost my steam after the second set of 10 (switched to band-assisted pull-ups after this).
What is CrossFit? from Jennie Forman on Vimeo.
Today's WOD is Muscle-Ups... muscle-ups on Easter, gotta love it:). Since I cannot do a muscle-up yet, I'm either going to try to work on muscle-up progressions (ie. do the dips & pulls with the rings) or just do the standard sub of pull-ups and bench dips that I typically do.
Either way, I'm scaling this to "Pack" level.
5 min. jog
5 min. punching bag XX nixed this since it was so late
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
10, 15# KB swings
12 burpees
WOD (Pack):
For time -
60 pull-ups (jumping/band-assisted)
60 dips
Time: 12:36
I ended up doing this at 9PM tonight... ugh, too late to workout for me, especially on a full stomach. I did 6 sets of 10 and did just the basic jumping/band-assisted pull-ups and bench dips. Didn't feel like watching videos on the muscle-up progressions before getting to this. Really lost my steam after the second set of 10 (switched to band-assisted pull-ups after this).
Row, Burpees, Run - Day 80
Posted by Kate at Saturday, April 11, 2009
I'll be doing a combo scaling today (somewhere between RX'd & Puppies). Don't have a rower, so I'll be subbing sumo-deadlift high pulls for that. Weight should be 30# for females, but I don't have anything comparable to that, so it'll be 45# instead.
Compare to 2.15.09 (Day 25).
5 min. jump rope
5 min. punching bag XX short on time, so skipped this
10 push-ups
10 jumping pull-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
11 burpees
WOD (RX'd/Puppies):
Three rounds for time of -
Row 500 meters/SUB - 25 SDHP, 45#
21 Burpees
Run 400 meters (~0.25 mile)
Time: 24:27
--Round 1: 7:48
--Round 2: 3:40 (25 SDHP + 10 Burpees before interrupted)
---about 30 minutes in between 1/2 of round 2 and the remaining round 2 & round 3---
--Round 3: 12:59 (11 burpees + 400m from round 2 + round 3)
Phew, that's alot of burpees! :) Got interrupted with a pleasant visit from my parents halfway through my second round, so I took about a 30 minute break. I was SERIOUSLY gassed on this one. SDHP paired with burpees and running... it's like my nemesis workout. It was awesome!
My parents brought donuts from Dunkin' Donuts with them... it is going to be VERY hard to not gorge myself on them tonight:)!
Compare to 2.15.09 (Day 25).
5 min. jump rope
5 min. punching bag XX short on time, so skipped this
10 push-ups
10 jumping pull-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
11 burpees
WOD (RX'd/Puppies):
Three rounds for time of -
Row 500 meters/SUB - 25 SDHP, 45#
21 Burpees
Run 400 meters (~0.25 mile)
Time: 24:27
--Round 1: 7:48
--Round 2: 3:40 (25 SDHP + 10 Burpees before interrupted)
---about 30 minutes in between 1/2 of round 2 and the remaining round 2 & round 3---
--Round 3: 12:59 (11 burpees + 400m from round 2 + round 3)
Phew, that's alot of burpees! :) Got interrupted with a pleasant visit from my parents halfway through my second round, so I took about a 30 minute break. I was SERIOUSLY gassed on this one. SDHP paired with burpees and running... it's like my nemesis workout. It was awesome!
My parents brought donuts from Dunkin' Donuts with them... it is going to be VERY hard to not gorge myself on them tonight:)!
CFT - Day 79
Posted by Kate at Friday, April 10, 2009
Today is another lifting day. CrossFit Total day to be exact. This WOD is a great way to measure improvement/progress. Here is my last time doing it.
5 min. jog
5 min. jump rope
10 push-ups
10 jumping pull-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
10 Burpees
+ 9 Burpees from yesterday (forgot to do them!)
Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep
Total: 275
BS - 75
SP - 65
DL - 135 (PR!)
I'm super pumped after doing this. I had a 60# improvement over the last time I did the CFT. And to top it all off, I am SOOOO close to a dead-hang pull-up. I used a little momentum by popping up on my heels, but other than that, the pull-up was ALL me!!! :) I was even able to do it a few more times to show Adam.
Adam decided to throw some weight around and do deadlifts when he got home. He threw 265# on the bar and pulled it no problem. His form was not the best, but he could lift it relatively easy. I have to repeat to myself that I can only compete with myself...and I didn't let this dampen my sense of accomplishment. :)
Side note: I could not figure out the total weight on the bar tonight for some reason. The ability to add the numbers was beyond me... maybe I didn't eat enough protein today??
"Winners compare their achievements with their goals, while losers compare their achievements with those of other people.” -Nido Qubein
5 min. jog
5 min. jump rope
10 push-ups
10 jumping pull-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
10 Burpees
+ 9 Burpees from yesterday (forgot to do them!)
Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep
Total: 275
BS - 75
SP - 65
DL - 135 (PR!)
I'm super pumped after doing this. I had a 60# improvement over the last time I did the CFT. And to top it all off, I am SOOOO close to a dead-hang pull-up. I used a little momentum by popping up on my heels, but other than that, the pull-up was ALL me!!! :) I was even able to do it a few more times to show Adam.
Adam decided to throw some weight around and do deadlifts when he got home. He threw 265# on the bar and pulled it no problem. His form was not the best, but he could lift it relatively easy. I have to repeat to myself that I can only compete with myself...and I didn't let this dampen my sense of accomplishment. :)
Side note: I could not figure out the total weight on the bar tonight for some reason. The ability to add the numbers was beyond me... maybe I didn't eat enough protein today??
"Winners compare their achievements with their goals, while losers compare their achievements with those of other people.” -Nido Qubein
Mind Games
Posted by Kate at Thursday, April 09, 2009
Do you have to constantly work on your mental toughness? I do. I find myself having to give pep talks (to myself) throughout a tough WOD. I play little scenarios in my head, pretending that I have to get just that much further, work just that much harder to survive whatever I’m imagining happening.
Luckily for me (or maybe not so lucky, not sure), I have a very active & vivid imagination. Always have. I can scare myself with ease, and the hubs thinks it’s hilarious to put this to the test.
How does this help with my CrossFit workouts? Well, most often if there is running involved in the WOD, I’m ready to give up halfway through. I just hate running that much. So I pretend that I’m in some sort of dangerous situation and I have to keep running to get to safety. Most of the scenarios play out that way… I have to run/jump/lift to survive. If anything like this ever happens, I’ll be TOTALLY prepared... riiight.
Or I get my inspiration from watching the fire breathers on the CrossFit.com site. I think to myself, those athletes got to where they are by pushing through even when they felt like quitting. And if they can do it, I can do it too. Now, I realize I will never be an elite athlete (not in this lifetime, pal), but I can test my limits and improve each time I step up to the plate and begin my workout.
Some days, it takes all the will I can muster just to start the warm-up. If I can get the warm-up started, then it’s like a chain reaction – warm-up to WOD to completion. I have too much stubbornness in me to go half-ass on a workout I know I can complete. Yes, I scale and I probably will for a long while, but by God, I will complete whatever I plan to accomplish that day (save for illness/injury).
I’m getting close to the end of my 90 day challenge. My body is definitely screaming for some rest, but seeing the light at the end of the tunnel is enough motivation to push on through to the end. I’m in the last 0.5 mile of a 5K and I’m so, so happy it’s almost time to hit the stopwatch.
(Great article from againfaster.com about pushing yourself to the limit.)
Luckily for me (or maybe not so lucky, not sure), I have a very active & vivid imagination. Always have. I can scare myself with ease, and the hubs thinks it’s hilarious to put this to the test.
How does this help with my CrossFit workouts? Well, most often if there is running involved in the WOD, I’m ready to give up halfway through. I just hate running that much. So I pretend that I’m in some sort of dangerous situation and I have to keep running to get to safety. Most of the scenarios play out that way… I have to run/jump/lift to survive. If anything like this ever happens, I’ll be TOTALLY prepared... riiight.
Or I get my inspiration from watching the fire breathers on the CrossFit.com site. I think to myself, those athletes got to where they are by pushing through even when they felt like quitting. And if they can do it, I can do it too. Now, I realize I will never be an elite athlete (not in this lifetime, pal), but I can test my limits and improve each time I step up to the plate and begin my workout.
Some days, it takes all the will I can muster just to start the warm-up. If I can get the warm-up started, then it’s like a chain reaction – warm-up to WOD to completion. I have too much stubbornness in me to go half-ass on a workout I know I can complete. Yes, I scale and I probably will for a long while, but by God, I will complete whatever I plan to accomplish that day (save for illness/injury).
I’m getting close to the end of my 90 day challenge. My body is definitely screaming for some rest, but seeing the light at the end of the tunnel is enough motivation to push on through to the end. I’m in the last 0.5 mile of a 5K and I’m so, so happy it’s almost time to hit the stopwatch.
(Great article from againfaster.com about pushing yourself to the limit.)
Run 5K - Day 77
Posted by Kate at Wednesday, April 08, 2009
OH NO!! I wasn't expecting this.... so now it's bitch, moan & groan time for me!:)
Back to the routine of dinner with my mom (& sister) tonight, so this should be REALLY fun after that:). I'll have to go really light at dinner to make sure I can complete this when I get home.
I'm going to have to dig deep. Last time I did this, I just quit mentally. But I can't do that again.
5 min. jump rope
10 push-ups
10 jumping pull-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
8 Burpees
Run 5K (~3.1miles)
Time: 31:17:39 (@6.0mph on treadmill)
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. -
Thomas Jefferson
YES! I finally completed a 5K! Time was incredibly slow, but my goal was to finish the full 3.1 miles and mission accomplished.
So tired now... shower, then bed.
Back to the routine of dinner with my mom (& sister) tonight, so this should be REALLY fun after that:). I'll have to go really light at dinner to make sure I can complete this when I get home.
I'm going to have to dig deep. Last time I did this, I just quit mentally. But I can't do that again.
5 min. jump rope
10 push-ups
10 jumping pull-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
8 Burpees
Run 5K (~3.1miles)
Time: 31:17:39 (@6.0mph on treadmill)
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. -
Thomas Jefferson
YES! I finally completed a 5K! Time was incredibly slow, but my goal was to finish the full 3.1 miles and mission accomplished.
So tired now... shower, then bed.
SP, PP, PJ - Day 76
Posted by Kate at Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Butt is sore today after all those lunges:). I like being sore, as long as it's not debilitating, which this isn't even close to. Last time I did that WOD, I could barely get out of bed, so that's improvement for ya! I also did half as many reps last time and my time was slightly less than double. I love being able to measure my improvement over the course of this 90 days. I can't wait to see how much more I can do in the future as well.
Lifting day today. Should be interesting with all the blisters on my hands from yard work on Sunday. I'll just have to wear gloves again today.
5 min. jog
5 min. jump rope
10 jumping pull-ups
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
10 KB swings, 15#
7 Burpees
Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps
SP - 45-65-75(F)-65-65
PP - 65-55-75(F)-65-55
PJ - 55-75(YES!)-65-65(ugly)-45
And here are some pics of me doing these!:) I always get such bad markings on my collar bones when I do any time of bar work. Maybe I'm relying on it too much to hold the weight;).
Lifting day today. Should be interesting with all the blisters on my hands from yard work on Sunday. I'll just have to wear gloves again today.
5 min. jog
5 min. jump rope
10 jumping pull-ups
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
10 KB swings, 15#
7 Burpees
Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps
SP - 45-65-75(F)-65-65
PP - 65-55-75(F)-65-55
PJ - 55-75(YES!)-65-65(ugly)-45
And here are some pics of me doing these!:) I always get such bad markings on my collar bones when I do any time of bar work. Maybe I'm relying on it too much to hold the weight;).
Lunges, PU, SU - Day 75
Posted by Kate at Monday, April 06, 2009
15 days left in my 90 day challenge! I'm super excited that I'll be done right before the Hokie Spring football game! I am planning to take about 1-2 weeks of rest (minus doing my burpees, of course), so the timeline is PERFECT!
Last time I completed this WOD is here and I scaled to "puppies". I'm going to try doing it RX'd this time (except of course for the pull-ups which will be jumping).
5 min. jog
5 min. jump rope X 3.5 min. instead
10 push-ups
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
10 KB swings, 15#
6 Burpees
Walking lunge 100 ft.
21 Pull-ups
21 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
18 Pull-ups (jumping)
18 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
15 Pull-ups (jumping)
15 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
12 Pull-ups (jumping)
12 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
9 Pull-ups (jumping)
9 Sit-ups
Walking Lunge 100 ft.
6 Pull-ups (jumping)
6 Sit-ups
Time: 21:11:16
Wow, much tougher to do this RX'd than scaled:)! I'm really happy when I can do a WOD almost RX'd though! I had a bit of trouble getting up after the sit-ups on the 9s & 6s rounds. Those lunges are TOUGH. Feel really good post work-out... and I did 81 jumping pull-ups! I'm super pumped about that:).
Last time I completed this WOD is here and I scaled to "puppies". I'm going to try doing it RX'd this time (except of course for the pull-ups which will be jumping).
5 min. jog
5 min. jump rope X 3.5 min. instead
10 push-ups
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
10 KB swings, 15#
6 Burpees
Walking lunge 100 ft.
21 Pull-ups
21 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
18 Pull-ups (jumping)
18 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
15 Pull-ups (jumping)
15 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
12 Pull-ups (jumping)
12 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
9 Pull-ups (jumping)
9 Sit-ups
Walking Lunge 100 ft.
6 Pull-ups (jumping)
6 Sit-ups
Time: 21:11:16
Wow, much tougher to do this RX'd than scaled:)! I'm really happy when I can do a WOD almost RX'd though! I had a bit of trouble getting up after the sit-ups on the 9s & 6s rounds. Those lunges are TOUGH. Feel really good post work-out... and I did 81 jumping pull-ups! I'm super pumped about that:).
Rest Day - Day 74
Posted by Kate at Saturday, April 04, 2009
God bless the rest days! :)
+ 5 burpees
I saw this quote on another person's blog and LOVE IT!
"Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated." -Anonymous
+ 5 burpees
I saw this quote on another person's blog and LOVE IT!
"Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated." -Anonymous
Power C & J - Day 73
Posted by Kate at Saturday, April 04, 2009
Wow, my abs are SORE today. I had trouble sleeping b/c the throbbing kept me awake. I don't know what's going on, maybe it was the OHS??
I'm very happy it's a heavy day! It's been awhile since we've had a heavy lifting day and I've missed them.
5 min. jump rope
10 push-ups
10 jumping pull-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
4 Burpees
Hang Power Clean & Jerk
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Load: 45-55-75-65-55-45
Abs now officially hurt. Had to rush through this due to lack of time, so no rest between reps. I think I could definitely get heavier next time, but I need to get some more 10# or 5# plates. The next highest weight I would have to go would be 95# and I doubt I can do that. 80# or 85# is probably doable though.
I'm very happy it's a heavy day! It's been awhile since we've had a heavy lifting day and I've missed them.
5 min. jump rope
10 push-ups
10 jumping pull-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
4 Burpees
Hang Power Clean & Jerk
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Load: 45-55-75-65-55-45
Abs now officially hurt. Had to rush through this due to lack of time, so no rest between reps. I think I could definitely get heavier next time, but I need to get some more 10# or 5# plates. The next highest weight I would have to go would be 95# and I doubt I can do that. 80# or 85# is probably doable though.
"Nancy" - Day 72
Posted by Kate at Friday, April 03, 2009
I'm going to attempt the "Pack" level today. Whoo hoo, moving up in the world! ;)
I've noticed that Brandx has started posting "Buy-Ins" and "Cash-Outs"... I probably am not going to start these yet, the WOD is enough for me. It seems like I'm seeing these terms everywhere all of a sudden. Must be the new thing with CrossFit...?
5 min. jump rope
5 min. punching bag
10 push-ups
10 jumping pull-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
3 burpees
“Nancy” (Pack):
Five rounds for time of-
400m run (~0.25mile)
45# Overhead squat, 15 reps XX 10 REPS
Time: ~20:00 - I must have hit the stop button when I checked the timer after round 4. I'm really bummed about this!
--Round 1: 3:42
--Round 2: 3:57
--Round 3: 4:02
--Round 4: 4:03
--Round 5: ~4:16
I was really not feeling this when I started out. The warm-up was hard, and I was not motivated; the first two rounds of the WOD were the same. But while running on the third round, I started thinking about that video of the girls at the qualifiers and decided to quit being a negative nancy (pun intended) and to just get in the game. Second two rounds were miraculously easier with my head in the right place!
I decided to scale this back to 10 OHS reps because my form isn't so great and my arms were SERIOUSLY TIRED!:)
I've noticed that Brandx has started posting "Buy-Ins" and "Cash-Outs"... I probably am not going to start these yet, the WOD is enough for me. It seems like I'm seeing these terms everywhere all of a sudden. Must be the new thing with CrossFit...?
5 min. jump rope
5 min. punching bag
10 push-ups
10 jumping pull-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
3 burpees
“Nancy” (Pack):
Five rounds for time of-
400m run (~0.25mile)
45# Overhead squat, 15 reps XX 10 REPS
Time: ~20:00 - I must have hit the stop button when I checked the timer after round 4. I'm really bummed about this!
--Round 1: 3:42
--Round 2: 3:57
--Round 3: 4:02
--Round 4: 4:03
--Round 5: ~4:16
I was really not feeling this when I started out. The warm-up was hard, and I was not motivated; the first two rounds of the WOD were the same. But while running on the third round, I started thinking about that video of the girls at the qualifiers and decided to quit being a negative nancy (pun intended) and to just get in the game. Second two rounds were miraculously easier with my head in the right place!
I decided to scale this back to 10 OHS reps because my form isn't so great and my arms were SERIOUSLY TIRED!:)
Pull-ups & Ropes - Day 71
Posted by Kate at Thursday, April 02, 2009
Today's WOD is actually one that I can not do EITHER of the exercises. I saw it posted this morning and was a little bummed at first, but the scaling on BrandX is perfect! I'll be doing the "puppies" scaling, like usual.
I'm going to have to jimmy-rig some kind of rope on the pull-up bar (maybe a towel) to try to do the rope climbs.
5 min. jog
5 min. jump rope
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
2 burpees (2nd day of Burpee Challenge)
WOD (Puppies):
Three rounds for time of:
12 Pull-ups (jumping)
3 Beginner Rope Climbs (might do 6 instead)
Time: 7:17
--Round 1: 2:23 (H-jumping pull-ups - tried for L's, but it was actually an H; & 6 towel rope climbs)
--Round 2: 2:28
--Round 3: 2:26
The jumping pull-ups were REALLY difficult. I tried really hard to get my legs in an "L" shape, but could never quite accomplish it. Need to work on L-sits!
I'm going to have to jimmy-rig some kind of rope on the pull-up bar (maybe a towel) to try to do the rope climbs.
5 min. jog
5 min. jump rope
10 push-ups
20 ball sit-ups
10 KTC's
10 HSPU progressions (shins on bench)
2 burpees (2nd day of Burpee Challenge)
WOD (Puppies):
Three rounds for time of:
12 Pull-ups (jumping)
3 Beginner Rope Climbs (might do 6 instead)
Time: 7:17
--Round 1: 2:23 (H-jumping pull-ups - tried for L's, but it was actually an H; & 6 towel rope climbs)
--Round 2: 2:28
--Round 3: 2:26
The jumping pull-ups were REALLY difficult. I tried really hard to get my legs in an "L" shape, but could never quite accomplish it. Need to work on L-sits!
Rest Day - Day 70
Posted by Kate at Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Today is a Rest Day! My back, my legs, my everything is grateful:).
Today I'm starting the 100 Day Burpee Challenge (big thanks to CrossFit NRV for letting me tag along with them!).
Day 1 -
1 burpee
Today I'm starting the 100 Day Burpee Challenge (big thanks to CrossFit NRV for letting me tag along with them!).
Day 1 -
1 burpee
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